Franţa şi reorganizarea politico-economică a Europei Central-Răsăritene (1919-1921). Proiectul Confederaţiei danubiene

  • Subiect: The end of the First World War had as a consequence deep changes in the European political structure. Of a major importance at the Peace Conference was the new organization of Central and Eastern Europe. Confronted with the communist danger and in order to prevent German expansion, France was involved in this process. The interest of France for this part of Europe was due to some main factors: this region was very important from an economic and financial point of view; it compensated the loss of French capital in Russia, was a source for economic development, an important place for communications and transport, it permitted investment with a quick capital repatriation; as for politics and strategy this region could have been an obstacle for the Germans and the Russians. The French influence was based on traditional relationships with neighbours and its prestige. During 1919-1921, there were two different tendencies in French politics: the first was based on federal principle. In Spring 1920 French leaders initiated the Danubian Confederation, having in mind Hungarian suggestions, made in Autumn 1919. Those offered Hungarian economic control instead of Peace Treatment revision. French-Hungarian negotiations began in March 1920 and public access was denied. While at the Peace conference, French representatives opposed to revision, during negotiations they let to be understood possible changes instead of economic concessions. The Danubian Confederation, as French leaders stipulated, worried Hungarian neighbours: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania that - scared for a new revision and a privileged position of Hungary - initiated a regional alliance (Little Agreement). They opposed to the federal concept, based on sovereignty and equality principle of the states involved. In Autumn 1921 France abandoned the project and supported the Little Agreement. Because of the context it was initiated, this project had no chances for success, being unreal. There were a series of obstacles: the federal concept project generated the lack of trust for neighbours; the self-determination principle; Western sympathy; Great Britain and Italy opposed to this project considered to be an instrument of French hegemony; the lack of correlation; the reaction of Hungarian neighbours. France accepted the Alliance promoted by Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Romania and changed it into a mean of involving the "French system" in Europe.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Relaţii bilaterale şi internaţionale
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2000
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIV; anul 2000; subtitlu: SIMPOZIONUL "VIAŢĂ PUBLICĂ, VIAŢĂ PRIVATĂ ÎN MEDIUL URBAN TRANSILVĂNEAN"
  • Paginaţia: 323-336
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