Motivaţii ale căsătoriei în mediul rural transilvănean din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea

  • Subiect: This study reveals the motivations of marriage in the villages of Transylvania in the second half of the nineteenth century. All data are analysed in a comparative manner. The motivations required by the Church put to light also its functions: the sacred character of marriage, the dowry's transfer, sexual implications, woman's role in a couple and so on. For instance, due to the fast period imposed by the Church, births are numerously only in some periods of the year. The complexity and variety of matrimonial relationships requires specific attitudes, family organization and behaviour. Permanent interferences between clerical and lay ethics, individual prejudices led to marriage but all motivations overtook - during the nineteenth century - moral and biological reasons, encouraging sexuality, pleasure for sex.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: EROS - CĂSĂTORIE - FAMILIE. Demografia: metodă de reconstituire a familiei
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Clusium
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1999
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XII-XIII; anul 1999; subtitlu: SIMPOZIONUL "Familie şi societate în Transilvania"
  • Paginaţia: 53-55
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