Semnificaţia prezenţei ceramicii de tradiţie Latene în Dacia romană

  • Subiect: This subject was much disputed in the Romanian historiography and it was the pretext of some new ideas concerning the theory of continuity in Dacia after the Romans retrieve. A lot of studies - older or newer - according to this subject dealt with the hand manufactured pottery, but the archaeological interpretations were of less importance (a relative chronology, the revolution of shape etc.) Most of the times the conclusions were inspired by the clichés of the theory of continuity: "a new proof of the Dacian existence in the Danubian space ... ". Some studies had as an aim methodologies, but only from a theoretical point of view. This study gave a special look to the pottery discovered in Dacia up to the Carpathians (Superior Dacia). The proofs were analysed in different manners; according to the type of community where they were discovered and from the point of view of its utility: for the Dacians (according to shape and garments), Romans (specific forms. Kammstriche and Besenstriche garments, the name of the community, provenience) and for the people from Barbaricum (the ruins of Gilău and those of vicus Samum are analysed in this paper-study). For a better look of the archaeological fact the author indicates his own study published in: Römer und Barbaren an den Grenzen des Römisches Dakiens (Acta Musei Porolissensis, XXI, Zalău, 1997 - N. Gudea, pp. 22 l -268).
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: SOCIETATEA: STRUCTURI ŞI DINAMICI. Arhitectură şi habitat
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Clusium
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1999
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XII-XIII; anul 1999; subtitlu: SIMPOZIONUL "Familie şi societate în Transilvania"
  • Paginaţia: 123-132
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