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Autohtoni şi alogeni în spaţiul judeţului Mureş în perioada prefeudală (sec. III - X)

  • Subiect: The archaeological research comprises up to now 56 localities (with 103 topographical points) containing discoveries of a pre-feudal character. Apparently, one could think that pre-feudal discoveries are numerous, taking into account the surface of the Mureş district. In reality, they are still in a small number and they are little known. Until the last decades there were not systematic and methodical preoccupations in the research of the archaeological testimonies of the pre-feudal period. Most of them were brought into light accidentally. So, we can explain the fact that there are more restraint archaeological testimonies, capable of reflecting the discussed period. A great number of the discoveries come from soundings and archaeological diggings achieved long ago (Band, Sântana de Mureş, Târgu Mureş) or in the last decades (Bezid; Iernut, Lechinţa de Mureş, Floreşti, Sălaşuri, Sighişoara a.s.o.). There are also more recent discoveries, brought similarly into light by archaeological diggings (Luduş, Sângeorgiu de Mureş). All these discoveries can now demonstrate, without any doubt, the continuity of the Romanian people in the space of the Mureş district, the uninterrupted continuity in the pre-feudal period. The variety of the discovered pre-feudal testimonies come from some city structures of the period (Albeşti, Chinari, Jac, Moreşti, Sighişoara), settlements (Albeşti, Batoş, Bezid, Breaza, Cipău, Corneşti, Goreni, Iernut, Lechinţa de Mureş, Moreşti, Ogra, Petrilaca de Mureş, Sălaşuri, Sighişoara, Sângeorgiu de Mureş, Valea Rece, Vidrasău), necropolis (Bahnea, Band, Cipău, Cuci, Iernut, Lechinţa de Mureş, Moreşti, Oarba de Mureş, Signişoara, Târgu Mureş, Valea Largă), or isolated tombs (Cristeşti; Lechinţa de Mureş, Sighişoara). In the rich and varied inventory of these testimonies, ceramics is preponderant, specific to the period, but there are also other categories of pieces reflecting the civilization of the time. To these one must add the discovered treasures (Cipău, Cristeşti, Sighişoara, Vădaş) and the isolated coins (Apalina, Ceauşu de Câmpie, Cipău, Iernut, Săbed, Sângeorgiu de Câmpie, Voiniceni) most of them, Byzantine pieces. The analysis of the discoveries from these 56 localities proves that the entire pre-feudal period comprises numerous testimonies of the continuity of the autochthonous population in this space of the country, testimonies that complete older ones. The reconsideration of some older discoveries (Band, Sântana de Mureş, Târgu Mureş) also demonstrates that there are numerous autochthonous elements in their structure.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Casa Editorială şi de Presă "Glasul Bucovinei"
  • Loc publicare: Iaşi
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1994
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VIII; anul 1994
  • Paginaţia: 55-74
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