Blocuri de piatră pentru aprovizionarea cu apă în Colonia Dacică Sarmizegetusa

  • Subiect: The Ulpia Traiana Dacica Sarmizegetusa Metropolis, measuring 33ha inside its walls, having 20-30,000 inhabitants, also a few centers of thermal baths and a system of public walls, required the ensuring of a very high daily water supply. The adduction of this water into the town could be done either by bricklaying canals, ceramics or wooden pipes recommended by Vitruvius as well, or by lead pipes but these are usually used at the distribution of water in town. At Sarmizegetusa many blocks of stone belonging to different pipes are known on the basis of the differences in the dimensions and the material used. Other blocks of stone are fixed in the wall of the church monument in Densuş; or it is known that this church shelters a great number of monuments brought from Sarmizegetusa. Only a few examples of such blocks are known in Europe, but the greatest number of analogies comes from Asia Minor, which could make us think of a Microasiatic technique of work; besides this hypothesis could be associated with the covering in marble of the front of the forum, which required the participation of Microasiatic craftsmen. The problem which emerges is that of chronology, which cannot be established even approximately because of the lack of a clear context. Another problem deriving from the lack of a clear context is that we cannot be sure if these stone blocks come from the water-pipes through into town or from the water-pipes which distributed the water in town. Taking into consideration the fact that this kind of pipes was made to be pressure-fast, it seems more likely to deal with feed-pipe, but the analogies from Volubilis and Jerusalem force us to consider the second hypothesis, too.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Studii şi articole
  • Vezi publicația: Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis
  • Editura: Polidava
  • Loc publicare: Deva
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1995-1996
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVI-1; anul 1995-1996; subtitlu: Acta Musei Devensis. Volum dedicat împlinirii a 115 ani de la înfiinţarea muzeului şi a 60 de ani de la apariţia revistei „Sargetia"
  • Paginaţia: 353-367
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