Importurile romane în aşezarea geto-dacă de la Cetăţeni şi implicaţiile lor asupra cronologiei finale a locuirii

  • Subiect: The remarkable development and prosperity of the Geto-Dacian settlement at Cetăţeni (Argeş county) must be argued especially through the control of the ancient route (commercial at first), which follow the course of the Dâmboviţa River. In a greater amount than in the autochthonous contemporary settlements, certifying the station's profile, at Cetăţeni imported wares are present, reflecting relationships especially with the southern side, the Greek and Macedonian world, as well as with the Celtic and Roman, too. The ensemble of Roman importation wares at Cetăţeni covers a time period equivalent with almost one and a half century. The oldest Roman artifacts are the coins from the hoard found in 1960, echeloned between the second half of the 2nd century and the end of the 1st century B. C. To the period of Augustus belonged a bronze fibula of Jezerine type. In the first half of the 1st century A. D. is dated a bronze fibula of Almgren 236 type (Doppelknopffibel). The middle and second half of the 1st century A. D. are surprisingly well-equipped in Roman imports: a sestertius from the emperor Claudius the 1st, a lorica segmentata bronze tie hook, a pair of fragmental compasses and, finally, a denarium from the emperor Trajan. The Geto-Dacians were the inhabitants of the Cetăţeni settlement certainly until the second half of the 1st century A. D., whether not even until at the side of the emperor Trajan's Dacian wars.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie Veche şi Arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis
  • Editura: Astra
  • Loc publicare: Deva
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2003
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXXI; anul 2003; subtitlu: Acta Musei Devensis
  • Paginaţia: 129-137
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