O inscripţie runică descoperită în necropola din secolul IV-lea de la Leţcani-Iaşi

  • Subiect: In the recent developments undertaken in Romania, the excavations done in the biritual necropolis of the 4th century A.D. of Leţcani-Iaşi come up to bring, together with the completion of the discovery numbers of this kind in Moldavia, the raising for discussion of some problems closely related to different aspects of rite and rituals practiced there by the Sântana de Mureş culture bearers. Among the graves of this necropolis, an outstanding importance by its content is presented by the grave no. 36, marked in the discovery order (fig. 1). The ceramic inventory of the grave, displayed entirely on the right hand side of the skeleton, is made up of four vessels all of them worked on the wheel (fig. 2). The inventory objects of the grave in question were found on the place of the ritual setting or on the garments of the inhumed person, fact very often found in the Sântana de Mureş culture graves. Thus, around the neck, it remained a beads collar (fig. 3/9). Other group of three big spherical beads were found near the left hand wrist (fig. 3/6, 7). A semi disc and rhomboidal leg silver brooch was lying on the left side of the abdomen (fig. 3/3). Then, an iron knife (fig. 3/4) and remains of a cowry shell belonging to the Murex species were found near the pelvis bones and the left femur, respectively. There, there were also found fragments of a bone comb (fig. 3/5). The objects that entail more the attention upon the grave presented above are the two burnt clay spindle whorls. The first one, of spheroidal shape was recovered in fragmented condition (fig. 3/2). The second spindle has an outstanding importance by its runic inscription cut out on it (fig. 3/8). The inscription is disposed in two registers, the reading being made from the bottom one, and the direction of reading from left to right. The letters were made with a sharp object by pressing it deep enough in the clay still soft before being burnt. Still another very important specification is that the inscription contains also punctuation marks represented by short oblique lines, arranged vertically, forming groups of two and three respectively, marking the beginning and the ending of the inscription. The reading and translation of the inscription belong to Prof. Dr. W. Krause of Göttingen. The reading is used in the present article as a first deciphering hypothesis. I. Idons (Adaos) uft he(r) II. Rango. In translation: I. Ido’s fabric is here II. Rango. To this reading, W. Krause adds some runology explanations coming to supplement the meaning of the reading and the translation of the text. Thus, in the word he(r), the last rune is suspended because the following word Rango begins with the same letter, a known phenomenon in the Germanic inscriptions. In its turn, this Rango is a shortened proper noun namely the west-gothic feminine name Ragnahilda, representing the woman's name who makes a good wish.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Studii şi materiale
  • Vezi publicația: Memoria Antiquitatis: MemAntiq
  • Editura: Muzeul Arheologic Piatra Neamţ
  • Loc publicare: Piatra Neamţ
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1969
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: I ; anul 1969; subtitlu: Acta Musei Petrodavensis
  • Paginaţia: 167-180
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