Expoziţia "185 de ani de industrie farmaceutică la Piatra-Neamţ"

  • Subiect: In 1825, on May 25 Ioniţă Sandu Sturdza, the prince of Moldavia allowed the apothecary Iacob Borocinski to open the first pharmacy in Piatra-Neamţ. The anniversary of 185 years was the occasion to organize our exhibition. The event was made also to celebrate the Town Anniversary Days. In 1831, Anton Vorel took over the pharmacy and he contributed to the development of an authentic pharmaceutics industry in Neamţ county. The business remained in the Vorel’s family for three generations. Anton Vorel’s son and after him Constantin Vorel, his nephew, skilfully exploited the local fauna and they dispensed pharmaceutics products not only in the country but also abroad. The act of nationalization from 1948-1949 closed down the activity of Vorel’s Pharmacy and Laboratories. In 1983, Plantavorel Company restarted the traditional affair. The History and Archaeological Museum of Piatra eamţ is the holder of Vorel’s collection. It is for the first time that our institution presented to the visiting public the history of the local pharmacy. In its creation, the museum collaborated with the following institutions: PLANTAVOREL, Roman’s History Museum, The Art Museum of Piatra-Neamţ and the private collections of Dr. Costache Andone, Dr. Gheorghe Iacomi, Dr. Tristan Negrutzi and Dr. Vladimir Stănescu.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Muzeografie
  • Vezi publicația: Memoria Antiquitatis: MemAntiq
  • Editura: „Constantin Matasă”
  • Loc publicare: Piatra Neamţ
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVII; anul 2010; subtitlu: Acta Musei Petrodavensis
  • Paginaţia: 497-504
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