Restaurarea şi conservarea unui pistol cu cremene din colecţia de arme a Muzeului judeţean de Istorie Piatra Neamţ

  • Subiect: The proceedings and the means which were used in the restoration and preservation of a pistol with flint are presented in this paper. The object was deteriorated and required a prompt restoration. Firstly, we must look for the necessary bibliography in order to gather documentary evidence connected with the preservation of the object, with the kind of the corrosion elements etc., to make the dossier for restoration and to select the most adequate methods and proceedings, as follows: General disassemblation and treatment. l. Pieces of iron (the barrel, the shot machinery and the adornments): mechanical cleaning; cleaning with acetone; washing with Romopal OF; repeated rinsings with pure water; chemical bath with complexon III with pH of 5.5 in order to re­move the oxides; neutralization in pure water; drying with ethyloalcohol and warm air; isolation with the phosphoric acid of 20%; the slow drying; the varnished through immersion in the colourless acrylic lacquer of Silvacrom type; drying at the room temperature ; supplementary preservation with silicon vaseline, silicon oil and silicon spray 200. 2. The wood butt: the removing of the old lacquer through washing with ethylic alcohol; the obturation of the fissures with the epoxydic resins of Uhu-plus type; the removing of the inadequate old repair colouring of the wood in an adequate tone; re-polishing of the butt with schellack. During the work of restoration and preservation of the pistol we respected the following principles: - the registering in the dossier of the observations concerning its situation with photographic witness; - the taking proofs for the investigations in order to know the corrosion results; - registering in the dossier of the operations, materials and substances which were used in the work of restoration and preservation; - aesthetical integration of all the completions with observance of the specific tint of the ancient object; - the elimination of the inadequate old repairs; the removing of the mechanical deficiency and putting the pistol in function again.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Muzeografie
  • Vezi publicația: Memoria Antiquitatis: MemAntiq
  • Editura: Complexul Muzean Judeţean Neamţ
  • Loc publicare: Piatra Neamţ
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1974-1976
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VI-VIII; anul 1974-1976; subtitlu: Acta Musei Petrodavensis
  • Paginaţia: 319-333
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