Activitatea de conservare-restaurare a patrimoniului muzeului "Astra" în oerioada 1905-2005 (realizarea performanţelor compatibile cu standardele europe)

  • Subiect: „This work is structured in five chapters, presenting the chronological development of the conservation activity of "ASTRA" Museum's patrimony Chapter I. The importance of the conservation- restoration activity in the development of "ASTRA" National Complex Museum from Sibiu evoque the most important stages and also the personalities that contributed to the development of the institution, museum's collections and to the conservation and restoration of the patrimony. Chapter II . The development of conservation- restoration activity in connection to the needs of the institution; it emphasize the causes that determined the development and the diversity of restoration domain in accordance to the development and reorganization of the institution. Chapter III. Training center for conservators and restorators justify the permanent necessity of scientific training of the conservators and restorators in order to reach the European standards in this field. Chapter IV. Conservation- Restoration Department from "ASTRA" National Complex Museum reflects the functional structure of nowadays conservation- restoration services, and its compatibility with other structures from other European museums. Chapter V. Scientific research, domain manifestations, and national and international collaboration refers to the study of the entire team of conservators, restorators and researchers in order to realize modern and ecological materials, substances and techniques for the conservation of the patrimony, it also refers to the collaboration with research institutions, universities, laboratories, training programs for the young restorators, participation to scientific sessions and important achievements in conservation and restoration of the cultural assets.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Cibinium
  • Loc publicare: Sibiu
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2001-2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: anul 2001-2005; seria 2001-2005
  • Paginaţia: 386-395
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