Cercetări şi săpături arheologice în raionul şi oraşul Slatina

  • Subiect: The authors of this article present the results of the surface and systematic research from 1959 in the vicinity of Drăgăneşti Slatina-Olt. The archaeologists’ approach was made on the occasion of writing the chapter Neolithic from the first volume of Romanian History. The paper is divided into two chapters, the results of the research being distributed to the surface and systematic investigation. The surface investigation corresponds to the findings from the following points: the villages of Drăgăneşti and Dăneasa - a vast Hallstatt tumulus necropolis, Bălăneşti village - a settlement from the Bronze Age belonging to an aspect of Gumelniţa Sălcuţa, - the Verbicioara culture, a settlement from 4th century AD, Malul Roşu village – the fortification "Brazda lui Novac" Ipoteşti - South of the Oboga river - Fragments from Boian cultures (phase V), Sălcuţa Coţofeni, Verbicioara, Hallstatt, Latene and fourth century AD; Ipoteşti - north of the Oboga brook - ceramic fragments from Latene civilization; Lisa village - pottery and pottery fragments belonging to the Neolithic culture, perhaps centuries. V-VI AD; Puturoasa village - Latene settlement, Slatina and its surroundings - settlements belonging to Starcevo-Cris, Boian, neolithic, Sălcuţa Verbicioara cultures and 4th century AD. Regarding the systematic research, the authors present the main results of the archaeological diggings from the following points: Slatina-Piteşti road (property of Bălănescu Alexandra) there was established a statigraphy consisting of Sălcuţa Verbicioara culture and 4th-5th century AD; on the same road (in the yard of a dweller named Mincu) it was discovered a settlement from Verbicioara culture, in the village of Cireşov it was established that the level belonging to the early Neolithic (Starcevo-Cris culture) is between 0.20 to 0.30 m-Slatina the tell from Strehăreţi has a submission of about 2 m, the levels of the culture belonging to the overlap between Gumelniţa and Sălcuţa civilisations. The findings presented in this article provide important information on the Neolithic problem and especially on the Eneolithic from Oltenia.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VIII; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: .7-15
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