Biblioteca mănăstirii Hurezi în vremea voievodului Constantin Brâncoveanu

  • Subiect: The library of the martyr ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu from Hurezi Monastery, just like the one of the Cantacuzino family or Mavrocordats, was a monument of culture in the medieval age in the Romanian Country because it favoured the permeation of the world culture within our civilization. The cultural phenomenon during Brâncoveanu era knows, however, another aspect, namely the spread of the printed book in the Romanian Country (Bucharest, Buzău, Snagov, Râmnic, Târgovişte) in the entire Romanian area, but also throughout Europe. Brâncoveanu’s undeniable virtue of the cultural realm was that he had given book, requested by those interested, the copies printed by him being found in Athens, Paris, Ankara, Alexandria, London, and in the four historic patriarchs of the Christian world: Jerusalem Constantinople, Alexandria and Antioch.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie şi memorialistică
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2013-2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XI; anul 2013-2014
  • Paginaţia: 125-138
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