The Late Eneolithic in South-East Transylvania

  • Subiect: Situated in the center of Romania, south-eastern Transylvania is bordered by the south-eastern corner of Eastern Carpathians and is crossed by the superior course of the Olt River. Due to its geographical position this area was characterised in prehistoric times by intense processes of cultural and demographical interferences. The here presented book - Bártok Botond, Eneoliticul târziu în sudestul Transilvaniei, Editura Charta, Sf. Gheorghe, 2005 - is an attempt to group and to synthesize the results of archaeological investigations concerning Late Eneolithic (post-Ariuşd) in south-eastern Transylvania which covers the territory of Covasna, Harghita and Braşov counties. The author shows the importance of this theme as well as the structure of the book. He expresses his gratitude to people who allowed him to use the unpublished archaeological evidence and helped him with useful information.
  • Limba de redactare: engleză, română
  • Secţiunea: Recenzii / Book reviews
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2015
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XII; nr. în TOM: 1; anul 2015; subtitlu: Volum dedicat profesorului PETRE I. ROMAN la cea de-a 80-a aniversare / Volume dedicated to Professor PETRE I. ROMAN on his 80th anniversary; seria Symposia Thracologica X
  • Paginaţia: 494-498
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