Un mormânt de incineraţie al unui călăreţ războinic (sec. II-I a. Chr.) descoperit lângă satul Mana (Orhei)

  • Subiect: „In 2011, the National Museum of History of Moldova has received some very interesting archaeological objects. The composition of the material (bronze situla (Fig. 3); modeled bowl (fig. 4); long double-edged iron sword (Fig. 5) with scabbard (Fig. 6/1-2); iron spearhead (both of these items were deliberately bent); paired spurs (Fig. 9); round in plan and pyramidal in profile iron shield boss (Fig. 8/1-2) and its rivets (Fig. 8/3-4); iron double-spiral bracelet with ends in the shape of buds (Fig. 10); iron buckle for a sword belt (Fig. 6/3-4) and an iron bracket of a sheath) allowed to define them as goods belonging to a grave with cremated remains of an armed horsemen. Anthropological analysis of the remains of bones from the urn allowed us to determine that they belonged to a young man at the age of 14-16 years (Fig. 14-24). It should be noted that among the burnt human bones there were found 10 end phalanxes (claws) of adult bear’s forepaws. Presumably, they were part of the “mantle” of bearskin (Fig. 11), which was burnt together with the young warrior. The discovered grave goods, including the modeled black-polished wide bowl with a faceted rim, rounded body and a narrow flat bottom, which belongs to the Poieneşti-Luceşeuca type, as well as analogies related to funerary rites ( Babeş 1993, 181-227), allowed us to attribute the complex to La Tène DI, or in terms of absolute chronology to 120-60 years BC, possibly closer to the middle of the 1st century BC (although some items – paired spurs – suggest the end of the 1st century BC). The discovery of the cremation burial near the village of Mana (Orhei District) (Fig. 1), situated at a distance of about 5.3 km to the west of the Luceşeuca settlement and ground burial, the presence of a bronze (Roman) situla as a funerary urn, armaments and ornaments of Celtic origin or La Tène traditions, a black-polished modeled bowl as an urn lid of the Bastarnae tradition – all this reflects the complex processes of population movements in North, Central and Eastern Europe, the penetration of the first Germanic people (Bastarnae) from Northern Europe, the movement of the Celts from the Carpathian Basin to the south and to the east and the movement of the Roman legions in the Balkans, as well as complex military-political and demographic / ethnical situation in the east of the Carpathians and between the Prut and the Dniester in the last two centuries of the 1st millennium BC. If our assumptions about the chronology of burial are correct (mid-1st century BC), the burial can be attributed to the Pontic campaign and the eastern conquests of Burebista. In 55 BC, displacing the Bastarnae to the north and the Sarmatians to the east, he conquers Olbia at the mouth of the Southern Bug (Rădulescu, Suceveanu 2010, 677-680), reaching the Dnieper, where the fall of a number of hillforts is associated with the onset of Getae (Gavrilovka, Zolotaya Balka, etc.), whereas other hillforts were urgent built in the neighboring areas (Щукин 1994, 169).”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2016
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XII; nr. în TOM: 2; anul 2016
  • Paginaţia: 72-110
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