Instalaţii de foc din situl cu mai multe nivele de locuire Lipoveni II (Raionul Cimişlia, Republica Moldova)

  • Subiect: „As a result of archaeological investigations effectuated in the years 2013-2015 in the west and northwest of the Lipoveni II multi-layered site, heavily damaged by the unauthorized extraction of sand, five fire installations were discovered, two of which are hearths, and three - ovens. These installations were not found inside the housing complexes, but in the open ear, around them being reported numerous pits. The two hearths were found in different areas of the site, but they were built in the same way, of several layers of clay splice applied directly on the sandy soil, having oval or circular form and the diameter of up to 0,9 m. In all probability, both fire installations represented remains of some "kitchens" in the open air. Regarding the chronology, based on stratigraphic data and ceramic material, hearth 2 was attributed to the Thracian-Getic housing level. But the first fireplace, in the absence of dating elements, could not be classified chronologically. We note in this context that similar fire installations are well documented in Thracian-Getic sites from micro zone of Saharna. Concerning the three ovens, only the first can be attributed with certainty to the Santana de Mures-Černjachov settlement from the IV-th century A.D. It was oval in plan with dimensions 1,45x1,78, and presented in the north part a fire channel, 0,6 m wide and about 1 m long. The oven hearth was covered with a hemispherical calotte, the dome having been crashed. Both the hearth and the inner walls of the installation were sleeked with clay, two or three splice layers being successively deposited and slaged, indicating that the oven had been used for a longer period, being repaired as well. The other two complexes (more strongly affected by agricultural works or extraction of sand) are more difficult to date, but are close to the first oven as construction elements. As to the oven 2, the conclusion is supported by the discovery in the filling of some pottery fragments from the IV-th century AD. At the same time, it should be noted that this type ovens have not been reported for the present in the Santana de Mures-Černjachov type settlements from Prut–Dniester space. Obviously, further archaeological research in the site of Lipoveni could provide new discoveries of this kind and more precise information on their chronology and functionality. As far as ovens destination, we suppose that they have not had a craft, but a household character, having been used mostly in cooking.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2017
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIII; anul 2017
  • Paginaţia: 202-220
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