Cuptoare pentru ars ceramica, descoperite la Negrileşti, judeţul Galaţi

  • Subiect: „The archaeological site “Negrileşti – The Schoolyard”, situated in Negrileşti village, Galaţi County, covers a surface of 12 ha. The research led to the discovery of archaeological testimonies which demonstrate human habitation in the area from the Early Neolithic, the Bronze Age, the Migration Period to the Modern Age. Pottery kilns have been discovered amongst the most important complexes unearthed in Negrileşti, belonging to the Sântana de Mureş-Černjachov culture (the 4th century AD). During the excavations that occurred between 1981 and 2016, six pottery kilns have been discovered (C.1-C.6), in the vicinity of the old river bed of Barlad river: four located towards the western extremity (C.1, C.4, C.5, C.6) and two located towards the south-east extremity (C.2, C.3), respectively. The majority of the kilns presented elements such as the lower parts, grills, heating chamber, feeding areas and the associated pits. The upper parts of the kilns, consisting of the baking chambers for pottery, was not retained, being destroyed by either age or agricultural work. Only two kilns presented parts of the baking chamber walls (C.5) or complete walls (C.6). The fact that within these complexes fine and coarse pottery was discovered indicates that, most likely, the entire quantity of pottery vessels necessary to the community was created by local potters. The discoveries suggest the existence, in the 4th century AD, of a strong community in the Negrileşti area that belongs to the Sântana de Mureş-Černjachov culture.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIV; anul 2018; seria Istorie veche şi arheologie
  • Paginaţia: 176-194
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