Unirea de la Alba - Iulia reflectată în presa vremii, Adevărul, duminică 2/15 decembrie 1918

  • Subiect: The union from Alba-Iulia reflected in the press of the time, Adevărul, Sunday 2/15 December 1918 The goal of Romania participating in World War I was freeing Transylvania and Bucovina. The favorable international circumstances, generated by the fall of the great empires, the Russian and Habsburg Empires, led to the union of all Romanians in one single state. On March 27th, 1918, the National Council convened in Chişinău decided on the union of Bessarabia, on November 28th, 1918, the General Congress convened in Cernăuţi decided on the union of Bucovina, and on December 1st, on that of Transylvania with Romania. This article is an analysis of the content of issue 2 of December 15th, 1918 of the wide-circulation “Adevărul” newspaper at the time, that published information on the 1918 Union in Alba Iulia. Cuvinte cheie: Adevărul, 1 Decembrie 1918, Alba Iulia, Iuliu Maniu, Partidul Social Democrat Keywords: Adevărul, December 1st, Alba Iulia, Iuliu Maniu, Social Democratic Party.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Analele Buzăului
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Buzău
  • Loc publicare: Buzău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: X
  • Paginaţia: 105-114
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