Despre problema figurinelor de piatră ale culturii Cucuteni -Tripolye

  • Subiect: Starting from a recent study published on this topic, the paper seeks to analyse the discovery conditions, the cultural and chronological placement, and the authenticity of the 14 pieces in question, on the basis of information available in the dedicated literature. Documentation shortcomings and errors are corrected. The documentary research supplements the catalogue with another six statuettes. From the 20 pieces, only five can be attributed, more or less with certainty, to the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture8-13, 15, 19-29. Fourteen pieces originate from a limited area (the Elan-Horincea Depression) and were introduced into the scientific circuit during the last 25 years, in the absence of definite discovery conditions, by an amateur archaeologist31-37. What is amazing is that a confined region (120 km2) produced 14 finds, while the entire Cucuteni-Tripolye area (100,000 km2 ) provided only another five stone statuettes. Furthermore, the pieces from the former area are clearly distinguishable from the well-known characteristics of the CucuteniTripolye plastic art. This situation can be explained either by the existence in the area of an “artistic centre” with a much more valuable output than the average of the rest of the Cucuteni-Tripolye area, or by a contemporary reproduction, in a modernist manner, of the Cucuteni models. The author tends to favour the second explanation, seriously questioning the authenticity of the 14 stone statuettes from the ElanHorincea Depression. For the time being, on account of the limited number of certain or plausible pieces (viz. Bernaševka7-11 , Murgeni29, Rudi IX12-13, Fălticeni/Cucuteni (?)15, 19-23 and Costeşti 25-28), pending further discoveries through systematic investigations and reliable cultural-chronological placement, any typological considerations on the Cucuteni-Tripolye stone statuettes are pointless. To conclude, the author maintains that when a discovery is appraised, the attention of the investigator should primarily fall on the critical assessment of the discovery conditions (including in terms of authenticity as a historical source), and only later should he proceed to any theoretical considerations.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: IX-X; anul 2014
  • Paginaţia: 58-67
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