Consideraţii privind evoluţia învăţământului militar muzical

  • Subiect: Considerations regarding the evolution of the military musical education The necessity of the foundation of a music school, having in mind the preparation of the instrumentalists military fanfares, was needed even from the second half of the XIXen century, when was sustaining the idea of founding of two military schools of music in Iaşi and Bucharest, which will follow to be named Conservatoires and annexed to the military institutions already existing: The School of the Military sons from laşi and The Military School from Bucharest. The founding of The School of the Musicians Pupils was sustained by the inspectors of the military musics: Iosif Ivanovici (1895-1902); Mihai Mărgăritescu (1905-1916), Ioan Vlahuţă (1918-1929) and the colonel lieutenant Egizio Massini of which name it is related the organization of the military mus ies and the initiator of the foundation of October 10, 1936 of "The Military Musicians Pup il 's School" - institution destined to assure the preparation and the formation of the military orchestra personnel. From the foundation till the year 1950, The Military Musicians Pupil 's School functioned under different names, in different palaces from Bucharest, so that it didn't had a personal location and in the summer of the year 1 950, The Military School of Music together with the Section of the Army Musicians received the present location, situated on the Iuliu Maniu Boulevard no 13- 15, sector 6, Bucharest, former barrack of the 7 Regiment of Hunters. Starting with 11 th of December 1947 as a follow of the new social-political orientations of communist type, the inspector of the military music, Dumitru Eremia rearranges the school institution, receiving the name of The School of Military Music, being composed by two different school modules: the first one formed by the medium course of music of for years and the second one, of two years, considered the superior course, the equivalent of the school of military officers. Through the Government Decision no. 906 from the 1st of August 1990, The Military School of Music received the name of "Iacob Mureşianu" Military School of Music and starting with the 1st of June 1997, on the base of the National Ministry of Defense Order no. M12 from 21st February 1997, "Iacob Mureşianu" Military School of Music changes its name into The Application School for Military Musics.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Cercetări interdisciplinare şi istoria culturii
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXV-XXVII; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2006
  • Paginaţia: 94-116
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