Colonelul Gheorghe ante-cavaler al ordinului "Mihai Viteazul"

  • Subiect: After a short description of Military Order Mihai Viteazul, the writer of the article presents the military evolution of officier Gh. Ante from Regiment 15 Infantry. The young lieutenant takes part with this military unit in the war for reintegration (1916-1919), in the battles from Oituz, Tg. Ocna at Cireşoaia, where the officer was awarded The Romanian Star, but also at the battles from Transilvania in 1918 where he and his army supervised that the Assembly from Alba Iulia unfold take place normally. Here, in the same place, supervising the Great Union, in the battles from the Tisza river, al Zalău, he is awarded "Mihai Viteazul" distinction 3rd class for his excellent facts. Forward it underlined the military career of the officier Gh. Ante between the two world wars, but also during the time of communism, when colonel Gh. Ante persecuted, succeeded in organising conferences in military units and at Iaşi Radio and setting up together with General Gh. Şoimaru the veterans chorus in Piatra Neamţ.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie modernă şi contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2008
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVIII-XXIX; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2008
  • Paginaţia: 89-92
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