Căpitanul paraşutist Mihai Ţanţu un nume pentru istorie

  • Subiect: Paratrooper Captain Mihai Ţanţu was born on 16 July 1914, in Bessarabia. He was the son of Vasile Ţanţu, one of the main artisans of the unification of Bessarabia and Romania, on 23 March 1918. He graduated from the Military High School in laşi and the Infantry School in Sibiu, in 1935. In 1941, he was appointed to the first Romanian Paratrooper Company, established on 10 June 1941. On 23 August 1944 he was given the command of the Operative Detachment of the Paratrooper Battalion and he was covered in glory while defending the northern part of Bucharest against the German troops. After the Paratrooper Battalion was disbanded, on 1 March 1945, the Paratrooper Captain Mihai Ţanţu chose the way of the armed resistance against the Soviet invader and the communist regime imposed by it. He was arrested on 28 April 1946 and cross-examined in many political trials of some political leaders who were declared the enemies of the recently installed power in Bucharest. His strange or better to say arranged escape from prison, the fact that he fled the country - or he was sent ?! - abroad, his activity within an intelligence service established by the Romanian military who went or were forced into exile in Paris, after the war, his return to the country with intelligence missions assigned by that service, all have been surrounded by mystery so far. He was arrested again and he went through the ordeal of communist prisons until 1964, when he was freed from prison and, in poor health, he got forgotten. He died in 1979 and he was accompanied on his way to the cemetery by his comrades and subordinates who made an idol of him when he was alive and continued to venerate him after that.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie modernă şi contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2008
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVIII-XXIX; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2008
  • Paginaţia: 93-105
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