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România şi Marile Puteri (1940-1944)

  • Subiect: Romania and the Great Powers (1940-1944) Stable relations between Romania and the Great Powers are not, now, first time ever, the subject of special concern. They were the favorite subject of Romanian historiography specialists, Nicolae Iorga and Gheorghe I. Brătianu. On the European and International political scene, the Great Powers, it is known or believed, are just like the well known heroes of classical tragedies. In other words, large characters with multiple strong features but also with many flaws. The most important, in the opinion of Gheorghe Buzatu - though many others could pass it for a quality- is inferred from the finding of a British statesman from the 19th century that stated that the Great Powers, lacking any kind of feeling, do not know or do not seek beside their own interest. They do not say anything about morals or principles, but we must admit that it would be tragic for these to be missing too. Though, it can be implied. Moreover, the fierce and relentless competition among them requires that at some point in the historical evolution the Great Powers should bear each other, even become "dependent' on one another, just like when in the previous century Great Britain felt or supported the presence of France, the latter the presence of Germany, Russia was interested in Germany and France, the USA were interested in Russia, and the circle keeps on going. Another major shortcoming of the Great Powers, besides many others, comes in those moments when some of them end up being occupied or occupiers and in the same time they get under the protection of others, an example being Turkey, ant this in order not to get very close to the present day, an unacceptable situation for many of us. Under such circumstances, the falling of a power becomes inevitable and most probably premature compared to the average estimated length of an empire's survival of approx 250-300 years. Two conclusions can now be drawn, 70 years later from the outbreak of World War II: a. Nations in East Central Europe and Southeast Europe start to look at their own history without discrimination, without blaming anyone, without emotional reactions and mutual accusations; b. The countries from this area (Different political and diplomatic arrangements made behind the scenes during the Second World War would confirm Mihai Antonescu's intuitions that: Whoever controls the Southeast will rule the world.) await, from the winners of 1945, for a gesture of moral repair, those words of genuine regret for the fate of 100 million Europeans from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania. Europeans-exposed to under-class political struggle - with millions of imprisonrnents and the genocide that followed. German leaders had the strength to express regret for the repressions of 1939-1945. They made repairing gestures. From London and Washington, the winners from 65 years ago we could expect recognition of what really happened in Central Europe and Southeast Europe. It would be the best proof that in global politics there still is a respect for truth and for a minimum of morality. Having a great strategic and geopolitical position, Romania represented more for a series of power centers than the political and military leaders of the time (1919-1945) considered, which confirms Mihai Eminescu's belief, to which we subscribe: I am God. My nation is the world. As without it there is no God, then without my nation there is no world. Our geopolitical and geo-strategic strengths from the mid-twentieth century were often, unfortunately, fatal to our becoming a nation and to our desire for progress and modernity.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie modernă şi contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean „Ştefan cel Mare” Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2009
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXX; nr. în TOM: 2; anul 2009
  • Paginaţia: 167-176
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