Consolidare, restaurare şi amenajare la Muzeul Unirii Iaşi

  • Subiect: Consolidation, restoration and presentation at the Museum of the Union in Iaşi The edifice was built in neo classical style during the first years of the l9th century and is included in the plan of the city, but unfortunately neither the architect nor the first owner is known. During the period of World War I, while Bucharest was occupied, the capital city was moved to Iaşi, the edifice on Lăpuşneanu Street served as the royal quarters and residence between 26 December 1916 until 23 April 1919. The idea of the foundation of a Union Museum in Iaşi carne from historian Nicolae Iorga. The restoration-consolidation works started in November 1996 (repairing of the pipes), and were then interrupted until August 1997 when they started the removal of the plastering from the walls. Works were completed in 2009. The technical expertise was undertaken when the museum was still operational, and contained heritage items, and as such it was impossible at that moment to undertake complete investigations. The following interventions were carried out: plastering of the walls, consolidation with small pillars and belts of reinforced concrete; - local consolidation of certain walls; - injection of cement paste of the existing masonry; insuring the cover layer of the reinforcements in the lower part of the floorings and existing beams by guniting; - lintels of reinforced concrete on the existing walls, walking alleys of decorative gravel infrastructure, mounting of thin borders, spreading of decorative gravel; - plating with stone slabs on sand layer in the ruins area; - socle base with rolls on before hand prepared land; - providing and planting of dendrologic material.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istoria culturii, personalităţi şi cercetări interdisciplinare
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean „Ştefan cel Mare” Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2009
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXX; nr. în TOM: 2; anul 2009
  • Paginaţia: 355-360
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