Imaginea românilor în cultura maghiară transilvăneană în a doua jumătatea a secolului al XIX-lea

  • Subiect: „Collective trauma caused by the 1848-1849 civil war has created a fault in the Romanian-Hungarian bilateral relations unprecedented in their joint history. If Romanians were previously oppressed/terrorized by medieval laws without discrimination, based on ethnicity, with the awakening brought by the Enlightenment and reforms under the imaginary protection of the imperial, the national military reaction to the attempts of the Hungarian politicians to impose a new social and politica! order, pushed the firsts in unusual poses, comparable with distant historical precedents (such as peasant uprising in 1784). The violent, visceral Romanian becomes a real scare in the Hungarian imagination. Numerous writings which had references to incidents, mutual or unilateral actions indicate systematic demonization of Romanian revolutions. Even though sometimes we may admit the objective reality of cultural backwardness of Romanians because of the „oppression for centuries", the general impression that remained for the Hungarian lecturer on „ Volokh" was terrible. Not even the passage of time has sweetened this image, it obsessive and constantly returned until the end of the period analyzed by us.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Analele Dobrogei: AnD
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa
  • Loc publicare: Constanţa
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2012
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: X-XIII; anul 2012; serie nouă
  • Paginaţia: 59-66
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