Mousaios, XVIII, 2013, Bronze and Iron Age Graves from Eurasia - Gender between Archaeology and Anthropology. Proceedings of the 13th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Buzău-Romania, 17th-21st October 2012

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic SÎRBU, Valeriu (autor) Bronze and Iron Age Graves from Eurasia - Gender between Archaeology and Anthropology - Introduction .9-11 engleză
articol de periodic SÎRBU, Valeriu (autor) , ȘTEFAN, Maria-Magdalena (autor) Gender studies in East-European Archaeology - introducing a Conference 13-25 engleză
articol de periodic COSTACHE, Daniel (autor) The state of research on the funerary finds from the bronze age in the area of the curvature subcarpathians (Buzău County) 27-42 engleză
articol de periodic PALINCAȘ, Nona (autor) Animals and the making of Gender in the later period of the Monteoru Culture (Sibcarpathian Arc between CA. 17000 and 1500 cal BC) 43-78 engleză
articol de periodic COMȘA, Alexandra (autor) , SCHUSTER, Cristian (autor) Gender and funerary inventory in the bronze age of Southern România. An archaeological and anthropological Approach 79-103 engleză
articol de periodic DMITROVIC, Katarina (autor) , LJUSTINA, Marija (autor) Middle bronze age tomular graves in the Kablar Range, West Serbia - Gender perceived as physical condition and social construct 105-129 engleză
articol de periodic DELFINO, Davide (autor) Exceptions that prove the rule: Unusual graves in the Bronze Age of South-Western Europe 131-151 engleză
articol de periodic JEVTIC, Milos (autor) Some remarks on sex determination in the Central Balkans Late Bronze Age necropoles with cremation burials 153-172 engleză
articol de periodic NICIC, Andrei (autor) , NICULIȚĂ, Ion (autor) Pratiques funeraires dans le site de la premiere epoque du fer de Saharna - Dealul Mînăstirii 173-190 franceză
articol de periodic NICULIȚĂ, Ion (autor) , ZANOCI, Aurel (autor) Some considerations on funeral practices, rites and rituals in communities of middle Dnister Region 191-202 engleză
articol de periodic MOGYLOV, Oleksandr (autor) The barrows of the West Podolian Group of the Scytian Period 203-214 engleză
articol de periodic KONOVA, Lyubava (autor) Funeral rites in the necropolis of Apolonia Pontica. An attempt at reconstruction 215-245 engleză
articol de periodic GERGOVA, Diana (autor) The Thracian Ressi. Main characteristics of the culture of a priestly-warrior tribe 247-264 engleză
articol de periodic FERENCZ IOSIF, Vasile (autor) A historiographycal aproach to Gender determination of the Early and Middle La Tene Transylvanian graves 265-277 engleză
articol de periodic BOCHNAK, Tomasz (autor) , BUJARSKA, Katarzyna (autor) Tombe feminine et tombe masculine dans la culture de Przeworsk: Cas typiques et particularites 279-304 franceză
articol de periodic SYMONENKO, Oleksandr (autor) Trade and Trophy: Near east imports in the Sarmatian culture 305-323 engleză
articol de periodic MATEI, Sebastian (autor) , OȚA, Liana (autor) , SÎRBU, Valeriu (autor) "Male" and "female" grave-doods in Sarmatian Tombs in Wallachia 325-352 engleză
articol de periodic Bronze and Iron Age Graves from Eurasia - Gender between Archaeology and Anthropology - Programme 353-357 engleză
articol de periodic Buzău County Museum publications 359-360 engleză