The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilizations. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Thracology, Constanța-Mangalia-Tulcea, 20-26 May 1996, II, 1998

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic Contents 5-8 franceză
articol de periodic MASSON, Vadim M. (autor) Thracology and Archaeology: Some Problems of Culture-Genesis and Socio-Genesis 9-14 engleză
articol de periodic COMȘA, Eugen (autor) Les tombes tumulaires à acre sur le territoire de la Roumanie The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 15-36 franceză
articol de periodic BURTĂNESCU, Florentin (autor) Few taxonomical and historical Considerations on the Early Bronze Age Tumular Graves in the Carpathians-Prut Area The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 37-56 engleză
articol de periodic COMȘA, Alexandra (autor) The Variability of the Cephalic Index and Anthropological Types of the Noua Culture The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 57-64 engleză
articol de periodic LEVIȚKI, Oleg (autor) Particularités, points communs et contacts réciproques des cultures du complexe hallstattien ancien à la céramique cannelé, de I' est des Carpates The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 65-83 franceză
articol de periodic KAŠUBA, Maja (autor) Die frühhallstattzeitlichen Funde der Sahama-Kultur aus der vorgeschichtlichen Siedlung Hlingeni II, Dnjestrgebiet The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 84-95 germană
articol de periodic VANCUGOV, Vladimir P. (autor) The Cimmerian Antiquities in the North-Western Black Sea Region The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 96-106 engleză
articol de periodic ANDROUKH, Svetlana (autor) Sur la question des contacts thraco-scythiques interethniques The Thracian World in a North-Pontic Context 107-118 franceză
articol de periodic OPRINESCU, Adriana (autor) Die Knochenplastik des Sălcuța-Bubanj-Krivodol-Komplexes The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 119-128 germană
articol de periodic GIRIĆ, Milograd (autor) Fundstätten der Mureș-Kultur und hydrologische Bedingungen The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 129-139 germană
articol de periodic BALAGURI, Eduard (autor) Processus ethno-culturels sur la Tisza supérieure pendant l'âge du bronze The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 140-150 franceză
articol de periodic NICA, Marin (autor) La gènese, l'évolution et Ies relations chronologiques et culturelles des cultures Verbicioara et Gârla Mare dans le contexte des civilisations de l'âge du bronze de l'Europe centrale et du sud-est The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 151-180 franceză
articol de periodic GOGÂLTAN, Florin (autor) The Cruceni-Belegiš Cemetery of Livezile (Tolvădia), Commune Banloc, District Timiș (Romania) The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 181-205 engleză
articol de periodic MIKIĆ, Živko (autor) Über die Ethnogenese der Illyrer. Ein Beitrag zu 100 Jahren Forschung in der Anthropologie The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 181-205 germană
articol de periodic TIRTA, Mark (autor) Images mythiques chez Ies Albanais et analogies illyro-thraces The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 214-224 franceză
articol de periodic KALUZHSKAYA, Irina A. (autor) Thracian-Illyrian Language Parallels: Thrac. MEZENAI - Illyr. Menzanas The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 225-228 franceză
articol de periodic KOTIGOROȘCO, Viaceslav (autor) L'appartenance éthnique de la population vivant dans le bassin supérieur de la Tisza pendant Ies VIe s. av. J.-C. - IVe s. après J.-C. établie en raison des monuments funéraires The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 229-234 franceză
articol de periodic VOGT, Uwe (autor) Die latènezeitliche Saline in Bad Nauheim. Ein Beitrag zur eisenzeitlichen Salzsiedetechnik The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 235-246 germană
articol de periodic GOLUBOVIĆ, Snežana (autor) Graves ofthe Mala Kopašnica-Sase Type at the Viminacium Cemetery from an Aspect of their Ethnic Origin The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 247-260 engleză
articol de periodic PETCULESCU, Liviu (autor) Roman Military Equipment in Dacia in the First Century A.D The Thracian Mediations to Central Europe and West Balkan Regions 261-288 engleză
articol de periodic JANAKIEWA, Svetlana (autor) Der paläobalkanische ethnolinguistische Raum Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 289-300 germană
articol de periodic VASSILEVA, Maya (autor) Interactions in the Thracian-Phrygian Cultural Zone Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 300-305 engleză
articol de periodic KOTOVA, Dobriela (autor) Die Artemis Basileia der thrakischen und päonischen Frauen Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 306-317 germană
articol de periodic SHOPOVA, Irina (autor) To the Problem conceming the Origin of Krounoi-Dionysopolis Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 318-323 engleză
articol de periodic SAMOJLOVA, Tatiana (autor) The Thracian Pottery from the Antique Sites of the Lower Dniester (the 6th-1st c. B.C.) Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 324-333 engleză
articol de periodic BOŠNAKOV, Konstantin (autor) Kritische Anrnerkungen zur lnschrift von Pistiros Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 334-344 germană
articol de periodic RĂDULESCU, Adrian (autor) , BĂRBULESCU, Maria (autor) , CHELUȚĂ-GEORGESCU, Nicolae (autor) Albești - site fortifié du territoire callatian Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 345-375 franceză
articol de periodic DELEV, Peter (autor) Proto-Hellenistic and Early Hellenistic Phenomena in Ancient Thrace Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 376-384 engleză
articol de periodic TODOROV, Ivan (autor) Der römische Senat und seine Politik gegenüber den thrakischen Herrschem im 3.-2. Jh. v.u.Z Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 385-391 germană
articol de periodic SÁNCHEZ LEÓN, Maria Luisa (autor) Les Thraces dans l'armée d'Eumène III de Pergame Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 392-398 franceză
articol de periodic GLODARIU, Ioan (autor) Lettres incisées dans les blocs de calcaire des citadelles daciques Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 399-411 franceză
articol de periodic SANIE, Silviu (autor) , SANIE, Șeiva (autor) Inscriptions and lmages in the Geto-Dacian Domain Thracian in the Context of the Agaeo-Anatolian Civilization 412-422 franceză
articol de periodic AVRAMOVA, Maya (autor) The Necropolis near the Village of Durankulak, Dobritch Region THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 423-430 engleză
articol de periodic NIKOLOVA, Lolita (autor) The Yunatsite Culture I: Manifestation and Chronology during Early Bronze I (In the Light of Stratigraphic, ceramic, radiocarbon and Archaeomagnetic Data) THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 431-462 engleză
articol de periodic FÂNTÂNEANU, Cristinel (autor) A few Considerations on the Funeral Rite and Ritual of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the Oltenian Area THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 463-476 engleză
articol de periodic POPOVA, Tzvetana (autor) Étude carpologique et anthracologique de tell Kajmensca Čuka (Blagoevgrad) - Bronze final THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 477-481 franceză
articol de periodic ȘERBĂNESCU, Done (autor) , BĂLTEANU, Cezarina (autor) Considérations sur le rite, le rituel funéraire et l'étude anthropologique des squelettes de la civilisation Tei THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 482-496 franceză
articol de periodic CRĂCIUNESCU, Gabriel (autor) La station archéologique Orevița Mare (dép. de Mehedinți) THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 497-505 franceză
articol de periodic NICA, Marin (autor) , LAZĂR, Simona (autor) Quelques problèmes concemant le premier âge du fer en Olténie THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 506-518 franceză
articol de periodic SIMION, Gavrilă (autor) Points de vue concemant une chronologie absolue de l'âge du fer au bas Danube THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 519-566 franceză
articol de periodic ICONOMU, Constantin (autor) , ASĂVOAIE, Costică (autor) Contributions regarding the Knowledge ofthe Burial Rituals ofthe Early Thracians in the Light of the Ștefănești-Botoșani Researches THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 567-582 engleză
articol de periodic MATEI, Alexandru V. (autor) , POP, Horea (autor) Măgura Moigradului - Ritual Sacred Area or Dacian Settlement THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 583-586 engleză
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Laurenția (autor) , GEORGESCU, Emma-Mădălina (autor) Human Sacrifice? THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 587-598 engleză
articol de periodic HAHEU, Vasile (autor) Sur l'apparition des fortifications thraco-gètes â l'est des Carpates THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 599-608 franceză
articol de periodic BĂLUȚĂ, Claudia (autor) Buckles from Apoulon - Piatra Craivii THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 609-614 engleză
articol de periodic COVACEF, Zizi (autor) Nouvelles contributions á l'iconographie du Cavalier Thrace THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 615-622 franceză
articol de periodic POP, Horea (autor) , BEJINARIU, Ioan (autor) The Dacian and Prehistoric Fortresses and Dwellings at Măgura Șimleului (Șimleu Silvaniei, Sălaj District) THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 623-629 engleză
articol de periodic NEGRU, Mircea (autor) An lntroduction to the Study of Native Pottery from South-Carpathian Roman Dacia THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 630-643 engleză
articol de periodic VULČEVA, Darina (autor) Tumular Burials in Thrace and Moesia Inferior and the Tumuli in other European Provinces THE PRE-THRACIAN AND THRACO-GETO-DACIAN CIVILIZATION 644-653 engleză
articol de periodic PALIGA, Sorin (autor) A Pre-Indo-European Lexicon HERITAGE 657-664 engleză
articol de periodic RIKOV, Georgi T. (autor) The Reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals in Thracian HERITAGE 665-672 engleză
articol de periodic SARAMANDU, Nicolae (autor) Le rapport entre le thrace et les anciennes langues européennes HERITAGE 673-678 franceză
articol de periodic FURTUNĂ, Alexandru (autor) Á propos de certaines interprétations données au calendrier géto-dace HERITAGE 679-685 franceză
articol de periodic GABINSCHI, Marc A. (autor) Further Data regarding the Latin-Autochtonous Glotic Interaction in the Balkan Area HERITAGE 686-696 engleză
articol de periodic XHAGOLLI, Agron (autor) The Ballad of Immurement at Albanians and Aromanians in Albania HERITAGE 697-712 engleză
articol de periodic BIDO, Agim (autor) Pagan Symbols in Albanian ”Xhubleta” HERITAGE 701-712 engleză
articol de periodic PAVEL, Emilia (autor) Confluences et synthèses concemant le costume populaire roumain de l'Est des Carpates HERITAGE 713-721 franceză
articol de periodic ONUZI, Aferdita (autor) Sur la continuité de la céramique antique et moyenâgeuse dans la céramique albanaise des XIXe et XXe siècles HERITAGE 722-733 franceză
articol de periodic BÂTCĂ, MARIA (autor) L'image du rhombe dans l'art populaire roumain HERITAGE 734-741 franceză