Terra sigillata din castrul de la Buciumi (jud. Sălaj)

  • Subiect: TERRA SIGILLATA IN THE ROMAN CAMPAT BUCIUMI The imported terra sigillata discovered in the Roman camp at Buciumi (the 1listrict of Sălaj) between 1963-1970 and for the first time summarily published in the monograph of the camp (E. Chirilă-N. Gudea-V. Lucăcel-C. Pop, Castrul roman de la Buciumi. Contribuţii la cercetarea limesului Daciei Porolissensis, Cluj, I 1972; also in German) is analyzed in this work. The author tries to connect the stratigraphy inside the barracks whence the greatest part of the terra sigillata coins, with the coinage and the imported pottery. His conclusion is that, broadly speaking, the terra sigillata from Buciumi chronologically corresponds to the time succession of the coins which date the two dwelling levels. Approximately most of the sigillata pottery from Buciumi is dated in the Antonine period, Dacia's utmost flourishing époque when in the Buciumi camp the coin circulation was the most intense. The oldest pot is dated in Trajan's epoque and the latest one was made at Westerndorf and was used in the first half of the first century A.D. The centers the Buciumi terra sigillata comes from are: Key to plates. A. Decorated Terra Sigillata. Lezoux . . . …………………….16 fragments (pots) Central Gaul……………………1 Westerndorf…………………….1 Eastern Gaul or Rheinzabern………………….2 fragments (pots) Undeterminable…………………2 fragments (pots) Sum total-----------------------------22 fragments (pots) I. Central Gaul: Lezoux - 1/1, 1/2, lf3. 1/4, 1/5, 11/6, 11/7, II/8, Il/9, Il/10, II/11; Central Gaul - 111/12. II. Westerndorf: 111/13. B. Undecorated Terra Sigillata. IIl/14, V/14 - ADVOCISVS; 111/15, V/'15 - BVRDO' III/16, V/16 - INT[VGENVSJ or CINT[VSMVS]; IV/17, V/17 - PATERATVS; IV/18, V/18 - [S]ENNIVS; IV/19. V/19 - ... TI; IV/20, V/20 - illiterate stamp. V/21 - a pot of Déch. form 72. C. Other categories. V/22 - fragment with rouletted decoration.
  • Limba de redactare: română; rezumat engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie veche şi Arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: I. P. Cluj
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1977
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: I; anul 1977; subtitlu: Acta Mvsei Porolissensis
  • Paginaţia: 155-172
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