Spre realizarea Marii Uniri. Integrarea României în Războiul de Întregire Naţională, reflectată în ziarul „ Le Figaro", august 1916

  • Subiect: Towards the achievement of the Great Union. Romania's integration in the War of National Integration, reflected in the newspaper "Le Figaro", August 1916 The decision of Romania to enter the military operations of the First World War was motivated mainly by the will to realize its national ideals, namely that of liberating the Romanian provinces that were at that time under foreign domination and of achieving their unification with Romania. Our analysis highlights the way the decision of Romania to enter World War I, by addressing a war declaration to Austria-Hungary, was perceived and reflected in the newspaper Le Figaro. The impact of this event was particularly strong. Like other foreign publications, Le Figaro acknowledged Romania's entry into the war as a necessary and expected act that would certainly lead to the shortening of the war and to the victory of the Allies. The foreign press clearly pinpointed the fact that Romania entered the war in order to liberate their siblings that were subjects to foreign empires. The information provided in Le Figaro was accurate and well documented. The 29th August 1916 issue, which coincided with the publication in the French press of Romania's declaration of war, contained 13 articles on Romania. The front page of the newspaper was almost exclusively dedicated to this topic. The issue from the following day included eight more important articles, as well as several smaller ones dedicated to the same event. Le Figaro alsa presented the views of other newspapers in France and Europe. In this respect, it is worth mentioning that the 29th and 30th August 1916 issues provided paragraphs, information or comments taken from 12 other French newspapers, 10 newspapers from Germany, 4 newspapers from Italy, 4 from Switzerland, 3 from Austria, 2 from Hungary and one from Spain and Denmark, respectively. Therefore, it can be stated that, due to Le Figaro, one gets a pretty broad picture of the perception the international press had over the motivation and the implications of Romania's entry into the war.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Analele Buzăului
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Buzău
  • Loc publicare: Buzău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: X
  • Paginaţia: 87-104
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