Ihtiofauna râului Iara şi a afluenţilor săi în special cu privire la situl Natura 2000 ROSCI0263 Valea Ierii

  • Subiect: In 2012, between 12-14 June, an ichthyological survey was conducted on the Iara River. Samples were taken by electrofishing (Samus 725 MP) from 10 collecting stations (7 from the Iara River and 3 from its tributaries). The following species were identified: Eudontomyzon danfordi, Salmo fario, Phoxinus phoxinus, Barbus petenyi, Gobio gobio, Barbatula barbatula and Cottus gobio. A total of 1334 specimens were collected. The major factors were identified which has impacts on the ichthyofauna. These were the uncontrolled constructions on the banks of the Iara River, wastewater contamination, the sawdust storage near the water of the river, excessive logging, hydropower plants on the Huza and Sălaşele streams (tributaries of the Iara River) and the presence of obstacles which prevents the fish species movements during their migration.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean
  • Loc publicare: Satu Mare
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2012
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIII; anul 2012
  • Paginaţia: 15-22
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