Ştefan cel Mare şi Vrancea. Legendă şi adevăr

  • Subiect: The activity of the Moldavian prince Ştefan cel Mare (Steven the Great) is bonded to the area of Vrancea County through the battles fought in this zone for the establishment of the border line between Wallachia and Moldavia. This objective was achieved in 1482 when the frontier was set on the Milcov River, border which would last until the administrative union of the two historical provinces in 1862. The legend of Tudora Vrâncioaia who, after Moldavians' defeat against the Turks at Războieni (1476), offered her seven sons to help Ştefan cel Mare with his warfare has not yet been confirmed by historical sources. However, the collective thinking preserved Ştefan cel Mare's image as the founder of property rights and privileges for Vrancea Country's community over Vrancea's Mountains.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Ştefan cel Mare - 500
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Muzeelor: RM
  • Editura: Centrul pentru Formare, Educare Permanentă şi Management în Domeniul Culturii
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: nr. în TOM: 1; anul 2005
  • Paginaţia: 27-30
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