Aspecte din starea de spirit în comitatele Alba şi Sibiu în anii 1782-1784

  • Subiect: Aspects of the State of Mind in Alba and Sibiu Counties between 1782-1784 Based on a new documentary material, the author presents some aspects of the social unrests which are prepared or are going on and took place on Zlatna domain in the villages: Aţintiş, Bucerdea Vinoasă, Stremţ and Săcel, from Alba and Sibiu counties between 1782--1784. The documents record the intention of the inhabitants from upper domain of Zlatna to prepare an uprising, approximately 2 years before that of Horia, Cloşca and Crisan. Here are some instances: - the people's agitation from the village Bucerdea Vinoasă (1782) - the inquiry set against 10 peasants from Stremţ village (1782) - the complaints of the "fiscal inhabitants" from the above mentioned county - the inquiry requested to pursue the complaints (1783). There are presented the violent group actions from Aţintiş and Stremţ villages which are aimed against the abusive intentions of the noble P. Bethlen of taking part of the common land for his own sake and against S. Kemeny's intention of building a country-inn in the village. Both actions were hatched by their bailiffs. Although these two events are placed on different dates and in different geographical points, they come to enrich the varied series of the forms of struggle characteristic for the disintegration period of the feudal order. They permit a retrospective view on the state of mind in some places between 1782-1784, when the social contradictions in Transilvania grow, determining, for the time being locally, struggles materialised in violent group actions. AU the manifestations are examples of the struggle against the feudal exploitation which preceded and then culminated in the great uprising begun by the Moţi (the West Carpathian inhabitants) in 1784.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Studii şi materiale
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Napocensis: ActaMN
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie Cluj
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1966
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: III; anul 1966
  • Paginaţia: 229-237
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