Contribuţii la istoria muzeografiei româneşti. Muzeul Paşa din Galaţi

  • Subiect: Between 1913 and 193 8 there was a museum in Galatzi whose status of moral person was recognized on July 15th, 1921 by the Romanian Senate and on December 30th, 1922 by the Chamber of Deputies. The museum was initiated by the school teachers Paul and Ecaterina Paşa. In 1938 the collection was donated to the museum that was inaugurated on January 24th, 1939 inside Cuza Vodă Mansion from Galatz and which has been displayed constantly since nowadays.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Muzeografie
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Muzeelor: RM
  • Editura: Centrul pentru Formare, Educare Permanentă şi Management în Domeniul Culturii
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: nr. în TOM: 2; anul 2005
  • Paginaţia: 72-75
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