Artişti plastici români în a doua jumătate a secolului XX

  • Subiect: „It is known that a nation without culture disappears and history proves it. Nowadays. we see lhe an of one cation integrated to the international public domain as a cultural element when it states its character. It is normal to be like this, as long as the art reflects the specific features of the time and nation in which it was bom. Puşkin says that. One nation's art represents ali its social virtues and moral forces." It is known that our artists, generally speaking. couldn't avoid the rules of lheir times and lhe circumstances. Because of tbat. we must tind the cultural imponance of the an. the signs of originality which signify a new artistic variety. Exploring the an as a faci of civilization. we'll see that it materializes the essential moments of thal civilization, consolidating lhe human capacities in works of an !hal tend to become everlasting as a testimony of the places and times in which they were bom. Nowadays. the flow of the new creations is much faster and the classicization or lhe disappearance from the formamen! happens in relative time periods. It is difficult to say whal will remain in fac ing the time assault or the expand of the new stylistic spaces. Amold Gehlen distinguishes three types of an: idcative, realistic and abstract. The evolution from ideative an lhrougb naturalistic, lo lhe abstract an. shows us a transition process or lhe stages of the way lo inside. 10 the individual expression. From lhe beginning of the XX'' century. lhe evolution tendencies of the fine ans in Romania, have staned lo diver.iify speclacularly. bringing new personalities in puinting, sculpture, graphics etc. The synthesis 1 prepared will present severa! painters that achieved lhrough style and conception a plastic language wilh a remarkable impact.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2007
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: II; anul 2007
  • Paginaţia: 70-72
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