Doamna Fălcoianu, un personaj enigmatic (Theodor Aman – Portretul doamnei Fălcoianu)

  • Subiect: There is a portrait, in the Theodor Aman Museum collection, very inciting for the curious people - a portrait painted during the mature creative years of its author. The painting is entitled Portrait of Mrs. Fălcoianu and like most of the works exhibited in the Museum, bears the title given by the painter’s wife, Ana Aman. A relatively recent restoration has revealed some interesting details, hard to notice with the unaided eye – details that generate several questions, stirring the interest of everyone interested in the 19th century Romanian society. The gathered information concerning Alexandrina Fălcoianu, cut also her family, her relatives and friends, related to those concerning Theodor Aman and his way of work, transform this painting into an enigma hard to decipher after more than one century after the disappearance of all the persons who might have known facts able to dissipate the mysterious aura which now surrounds our character. The present essay offers questions and themes of meditation. Is the portraitised lady really Mrs. Fălcoianu, or are we dealing with a charade Mrs. Aman has left behind, for eternity? We have now the opportunity to analyse together the existing information and observations, to pull our own conclusions, to take one side or another, to keep intact the mystery or to solve the charade. Until a new theory shall appear, based upon solid grounds, the situation remains unchanged: officially, the portrait represents Mrs. Fălcoianu.
  • Vezi publicația: Revista de Artă şi Istoria Artei: RAIA
  • Editura: Muzeului Municipiului Bucureşti
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2022
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 4; anul 2022
  • Paginaţia: 95-101
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