Jurnalul de pe Frontul de Răsărit al sergentului sanitar Nicolae Olaru (1942-1943) / Diary from the Eastern Front of the medical sergeant Nicolae Olaru (1942-1943)

  • DOI - digital object identifier: https://doi.org/10.36935/angvstia_v26_1
  • Subiect: The article publishes the diary kept at the front by the young Nicolae Olaru from Sita Buzăului (Ciumernic) commune, nowadays Covasna County, son of a World War I veteran, enlisted in the 89th Infantry Regiment / Command Company – 1939 Contingent. His diary contains his daily entries from 9 August 1942 (the day he left Sita Buzăului and Braşov railway station for the front) to 5 February 1943 (the day he returned from the front to Braşov and Sita Buzăului), during which time he was at the front in the USSR as a medical sergeant. The diary contains notes about places, events, duty, hardships, anxieties, fears, homesickness and so on, and is a testimony to the experience of the young soldier, who saw and lived the horrors of war not through the eyes and feelings of the man who wielded the weapon, but of the man who fought with death trying to save the wounded comrades. The diary was, as its author records, his confidant, to whom he entrusted ‘all his sorrows with the aim that it would end up in the hands of my beloved family’ if ‘it should be my fate to be a hero’.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: STUDII DE ISTORIE (History studies)
  • Vezi publicația: Angustia
  • Editura: Angustia
  • Loc publicare: Sfântu Gheorghe
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2022
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 26; anul 2022
  • Paginaţia: 9-94
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