New archaeological discoveries at Morunglav - Gura laşului / La Hotar, Olt county (preliminary study)

  • Subiect: In an intrusive archaeological diagnosis made at Morunglav (Olt County), caused by the discovery with the metal detector of two ancient silver coins, another 12 coins were discovered - Celtic imitations after the Macedonian tetradrachms of the Philip II type, a Roman brooche, a pendant from a silver earring dating from the early Middle Ages (llth-12th centuries), but also ceramic fragments that can be chronologically framed in the early Bronze Age. Through this discovery, a new archaeological site at Morunglav was to be introduced in the National Archaeological Repertoire, located on the high terrace of the Olteţ River, at the border between the localities of Morunglav and Comăneşti.
  • Vezi publicația: TERRA ALVTANA (Terra Alutana) - Acta Mvsei Alvtensis
  • Editura: mega
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2023
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 1; anul 2023; subtitlu: Profesorului şi arheologului PETRE GHERGHE la 75 de ani
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