Valori artistice păstrate la biserica „Sf. Nicolae” din satul Peştera (jud. Hunedoara)

  • Subiect: The Church of Saint Nicholas (Sfântu Nicolae) of Peştera Village is part of a series of wooden churches kept in the Country of Zarand. This building was built of oak wood in the eighteenth century. The small building suffered several modifications over time. Currently the church is plastered. Shingle covering was replaced with one of the board. This was an unfortunate solution, reducing its picturesque appearance. Inside, the church is decorated mainly with glass icons many of which having heritage value. Of these, a part is a series of icons that adorn the wooden iconostasis. These icons were made in 1843 by Ioan Pop painter of Făgăraş. Currently 12 pieces are still preserved and one of which is only a fragment. Ioan Pop painter of Făgăraş locality is one of the prolific painters who worked in various zones of Transylvania including Hunedoara County.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Cultură, artă, etnografie, muzeologie
  • Vezi publicația: Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis
  • Editura: Qual Media
  • Loc publicare: Cluj
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2007-2008
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXXV-XXXVI; anul 2007-2008; subtitlu: Acta Musei Devensis
  • Paginaţia: 858-866
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