Identificarea pe teren a broaştelor verzi dintr-un sistem populaţional RE (Pelophylax Ridibundus – p. Kl. Esculentus). Analiza biometrică a unei populaţii din nord-vestul României

  • Subiect: The aim of our study was to perform a biometrical research on an RE system population (Pelophylax ridibundus – P. kl. esculentus) of water frogs from a habitat found in the Tur River hydrographic basin. During the study we determined the biometric characteristics of 14 water frogs from a habitat near Porumbeşti locality, Satu Mare County. Altogether 15 biometric characteristics were measured, based on which 15 biometric ratios were computed. Based on the morphological characteristics, general color and size of the metatarsal tubercle, from the 14 studied water frogs, 5 belonged to the P. ridibundus species and 9 to the hybrid form P. kl. esculentus. Our results show that there are significant differences between the individuals of P. ridibundus and P. kl. esculentus. Thus, the biometric results are in perfect correlation with the preliminary determinations performed during data collection on the field. P. ridibundus and the hybrid form P. kl. esculentus can be easily identified in the field merely on the basis of the absence or presence of yellow coloration on the flanks and hind thighs, respectively according to the shape and size of the inner metatarsal tubercle.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean
  • Loc publicare: Satu Mare
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2011
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XII; anul 2011; seria Ştiinţele Naturii
  • Paginaţia: 103-119
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