A less usual sin confession presented in the "Passion of St. Saba the Goth" (4th century C.E.)

  • TITLU în română: O mai puţin obişnuită spovedanie prezentată în „Pasiunea Sf. Sava Gotul” (sec. al IV-lea e.n.)
  • Subiect: One of the most important historical sources concerning Thervingian Gothia towards the beginning of the 370's is the «Passion of St. Saba the Goth». The martyr text particularly provides a detailed account of St. Saba's profile, deeds, and martyrdom, and also of his relations with his fellow-villagers and Gothic persecutors. One of the minor participants in the Passion is the presbyter Sansalas. The present investigation focuses on the theological interpretation of the events narrated by the Passion and especially on Sansalas’ fate. It becomes clear that unlike Saba, Sansalas was not a perfect Christian. He was arrested at the same time with Saba, he was also put to the rack by the persecutors, but eventually he was not sentenced to death, as he was released. A closer examination of the source reveals that the spiritual ground of Sansalas' release was merely a sin he had performed. The author of the martyr text deliberately avoided pointing out the sin clearly, only suggesting that subsequently Sansalas begged forgiveness from God by penance. Some possible clues in the Passion would argue for the hypothesis that Sansalas had been involved in secular politics, by having been an informant of the Roman Empire in Thervingian Gothia.
  • Limba de redactare: engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Etudes Byzantines et Post-Byzantines
  • Editura: Editura Academiei Române
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2016
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VII; anul 2016
  • Paginaţia: 7-24
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