carte |
2005 |
Cancerizare endocrină. Hormonii steroizi
Număr de volume:1
curs universitar; oncologie; endocrinologie; hormoni steroizi |
MIȘCALENCU, Dumitru (autor), MAILAT, Florica (autor), NICOLAE, Ilinca (autor), SCHIPOR, Sorina (autor) |
carte |
2004 |
Factori moleculari ai metastazării tumorale
Număr de volume:1
curs universitar; oncologie; metastazare tumorală |
MIȘCALENCU, Dumitru (autor), NICOLAE, Ilinca (autor), MAILAT, Florica (autor), SZEGLI, Gheza (autor), SCHIPOR, Sorina (autor) |
carte |
2001 |
Factorii nucleari de transcriere în cancer (oncoproteine)
Număr de volume:1
oncologie; biologie moleculară |
MIȘCALENCU, Dumitru (autor), MAILAT, Florica (autor), IANCU, Camelia (autor), NICOLAE, Ilinca (autor) |
carte |
2003 |
Molecule matriciale intercelulare în cancer
Număr de volume:1
oncologie; biologie moleculară; biologie celulară; studiu de medicină; biologia cancerului; molecule matriciale extracelulare |
MIȘCALENCU, Dumitru (autor), MAILAT, Florica (autor), SZEGLI, Geza Albert (autor), BORDEA, Cristina (autor), NICOLAE, Ilinca (autor), CHIVU, Mihaela (autor) |
volum de carte |
2003 |
Molecule matriciale intercelulare în cancer, , anul 2003 |
ţesut; oncologie; celulă; tumoare; biologie moleculară; biologie celulară; moleculă; celulă tumorală; embriogeneză; molecule; biologia cancerului; molecule matriciale extracelulare; fibronectin; trombospondin; Tenascin; Galectin-3; Agrin; Netrin-1; matrice extracelulară; moleculă matricială; metastază; sinteză moleculară; celulă matrice; ţesut mezenchimal; ţesuturi mezenchimale; mezenchimal; epitalial; mobilitate celulară; ţesuturi conjunctive; molecule proteice |
MIȘCALENCU, Dumitru (autor), MAILAT, Florica (autor), SZEGLI, Geza Albert (autor), BORDEA, Cristina (autor), NICOLAE, Ilinca (autor), CHIVU, Mihaela (autor) |
articol de periodic |
1952 |
Buletin Științific, iv-1 |
Matematică; oncologie |
VRÎNCEANU, Gheorghe (autor)
Asupra calcului timpului și dozei de tratament rotitor în radioterapie |
19-27 |
articol de periodic |
1969 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 14-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
FEYNS, V. (autor)
SAVANIU, V. (autor)
IONESCU, M. (autor)
ȘERBAN, A. (autor)
CAMBANIS, A. (autor)
Potential anticancer agents. VI. New aromatic nitrogen mustards with good antitumor activity |
535-547 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 20-1 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
MARCOT, Bernard (autor)
DORE, Jean-Christophe (autor)
MANUVALLI, Somashekhar (autor)
VIEL, Claude (autor)
Recherche en chimiotherapie antitumorale. VIII. Activite antitumorale in vitro d'acides regulateurs de la choissance vegetale d'analoques et de certaines derives |
91-106 |
articol de periodic |
1977 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 22-2 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
SUSTER, D. (autor)
BOTEZ, G. (autor)
FEYNS, L. (autor)
DOBRE, V. (autor)
Potential anticancer agents. XI. Derivatives prepared from diazotized pyrimidines |
257-261 |
articol de periodic |
1977 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 22-6 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
BARACU, Ileana (autor)
TĂRNĂUCEANU, Eustanța (autor)
Potential anticancer agents. XIII. Synthesis of new aliphatic and cycloaliphatic N-nitrosaureas |
885-898 |
articol de periodic |
1977 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 22-8 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
ȘUSTER, D. (autor)
CIUȘTEA, G. (autor)
DUMITRESCU, Ana (autor)
FEYNS, L.V. (autor)
BOTEZ, Georgeta (autor)
ANGELESCU, S. (autor)
DOBRE, V. (autor)
Potential anticancer agents. XIV. Synthesis and biological evaluation of N(4-((2,4-diamino-6(7-)-pteridinyl)-methyl)-N10. Methylamino)-benzoyl)-L,D and DL-glutamic (aspartic) acids |
1195-1207 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 24-1 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
DRAGOTĂ, I. (autor)
Potential anticancer agents. XII. A. The structure of the benzochromanones resulted from condensation of 3,3-dimethylacrylic acid with two dihydroxynaphthalenes |
59-64 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 24-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; proteine |
TOMA, Angela (autor)
ROTARU, Maria (autor)
IONESCU, D. (autor)
BARACU, Ileana (autor)
BOTEZ, Georgeta (autor)
TÎRNĂUCEANU, Eutanța (autor)
DOBRE, V. (autor)
Potential anticancer agrents. XV. New aromatic nitrogen mustards able to be coupled with proteins |
583-596 |
articol de periodic |
1980 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 25-5 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; Pt |
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
HOLBAN, S. (autor)
MRACEC, Maria (autor)
MAURER, Ana (autor)
POLICEC, Septimia (autor)
Steric optimisation by MTD of therapeutic index of N-substituted derivatives of cis-dichlorodiammine-platinum(II) active against ADJ/PC6A mouse plasma cell tumour |
713-719 |
articol de periodic |
1985 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 30-11-12 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
CIUBOTARIU, D. (autor)
BALABAN, Teodor (autor)
QSAR por carcinogenesis by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and derivatives in terms of delocalization energy, minimal sterical differences and topological indices |
985-1000 |
articol de periodic |
1990 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 35-10-12 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
CATANĂ, Cornel (autor)
DAWSON, Marcia (autor)
Applications of weighted topological index J for QSAE of carcinogenesis inhibitors (retinoic acid derivatives) |
997-1003 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 36-9-10 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer |
HERDAN, Jean (autor)
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
STOICA, Gerald (autor)
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
MRACEC, Mircea (autor)
Compunds with potential cancer preventing activity.I. Synthesis, physico-chemical properties and quantum chemical indices of some phenolic and aminophenolic antioxidants |
1147-1160 |
articol de periodic |
1992 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 37-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
GIRGES, M.M. (autor)
HANNA, M.A. (autor)
New substituted 4-thiazolidinone derivatives for possible use as antitumor agents |
477-483 |
articol de periodic |
1993 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 38-2 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
STĂNCIUC, Octavian (autor)
BLABAN, Alexandru (autor)
H-NMR and electronic spectral properties of anti-cancer triarylethene derivatives |
191-198 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 42-9 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
MRACEC, Maria (autor)
MRACEC, Mircea (autor)
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
Quantitative structure - activity relations for platinum coordination compounds with antitumour activity |
799-804 |
articol de periodic |
2002 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-8-9 |
biochimie; oncologie; actinomycin D |
VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor)
ENACHE, Mirela (autor)
DINCĂ, Emanuela (autor)
ȘERBĂNESCU, Iuliana (autor)
Spectroelectrochemical study and mo-modelling of the reductive activation of antitumoral drug actimomycin D |
741-750 |
articol de periodic |
2005 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 50-2 |
biochimie; oncologie |
ENACHE, Mihai (autor)
VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor)
Electrochemical and spectral study of the interaction of antitumoral drug mitoxantrone with DNA |
131-140 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 53-12 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
LATUS, Alina (autor)
VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor)
Electrochemical and spectral study of the redox behaviour and cardiotoxicity of anticancer drugs with antraquinone structure: quinizarin |
1131-1140 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 53-3 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
DUMITRAȘCU, Florea (autor)
CAICA, Mino (autor)
DRĂGHICI, Constantin (autor)
CĂPROIU, Miron (autor)
BARBU, Loredana (autor)
MIU, Barbu (autor)
New 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives with potental antitumoral activity |
183-187 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 53-9 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; actinomycin D; ADN |
ENACHE, Mirela (autor)
VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor)
Fluorescence study of the interaction of antitumor drug actinomycin D with double stranded DNA |
841-846 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 54-11-12 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; ADN |
ENACHE, Mirela (autor)
VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor)
The influence of ionic strength on the binding of antitumor drug actinomycin D to double stranded DNA |
1065-1070 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 54-5 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; colagen |
TOMOAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
BORZAN, Cristina (autor)
CRIȘAN (autor)
MOCANU, Aurora (autor)
HOROVITZ, Ossi (autor)
BOBOS, Liviu (autor)
TOMOAIA-COTIȘEL, Maria (autor)
Nanostructure formation of collagen and anti-cancer drugs investigated by atomic force microscopy |
363-372 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57-1 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer |
STANCIU, Adina (autor)
Radionuclides in targeted therapy of cancer |
.5-13 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57-3 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
CHEPTEA, Corina (autor)
SUNEL, Valeriu (autor)
STAN, Cristina (autor)
DOROHOI, Ortansa (autor)
New derivatives of 5-nitroindazole with potential antitumor activity |
229-234 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 59-11-12 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
SIMA, Ioana (autor)
CASONI, Dorina (autor)
SÎRBU, Costel (autor)
Rapis screening method for the diagnosis of adrenal tumors |
965-970 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 59-6-7 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; infraroşu; proteină |
DROBOTA, Mioara (autor)
GRIEROSU, Irena (autor)
RADU, Iuliana (autor)
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Cipriana (autor)
Modification of protein conformation can be moditored by foutier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in oncological patients |
511-515 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 59-8 |
plante medicinale; oncologie; plantae; salvia; cancer colorectal; IORDANIA; ASIA |
KASABRI, Violet (autor)
AFIFI, Fatma (autor)
ABU-DAHAB, Rana (autor)
MHAIDAT, Nizar (autor)
BUSTANJI, Yasser (autor)
ABAZA, Ismail (autor)
In vitro modulation of metabolic syndrome enzymes and proliferation of obesity related-colorectal cancer cell line panel by Salvia species from Iordan |
693-705 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-1 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
MAFTEI, Cătălin (autor)
FODOR, Elena (autor)
JONES, Perter (autor)
DANILIUC, Constantin (autor)
FRANZ, Hweiko (autor)
KELTER, Gerhard (autor)
FIEBIG, Heinz (autor)
TAMM, Mathias (autor)
NEDA, Ion (autor)
Novel bioactive 1,2,4-oxadiazole natural product analogs. Synthes, structural analysis and potential antitumor activity |
75-83 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-2-3 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
BORA, Alina (autor)
AVRAM, Sorin (autor)
CRIȘAN, Luminița (autor)
HALIP, Liliana (autor)
CURPĂN, Ramona (autor)
PĂCUREANU, Liliana (autor)
CIUCANU, Ionel (autor)
Theoretical investigations of quercetin and its analogues as anticancer agents |
175-181 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer pancreatic |
DAI, Wen (autor)
SHANN, Yue (autor)
HE, Guang (autor)
CHEN, Hai-Qun (autor)
Prediction for cellular uptake of manufactured nanoparticles to pancreatic cancer cells |
367-370 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-5-6 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer |
BUNACIU, Andrei (autor)
FLESCHIN, Șerban (autor)
ABOUL-ENEIN, Hassan (autor)
Cancer diagnosis by FT-IR spectrophotometry |
415-426 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-5-6 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer |
DOGAN-TOPAL, Burcu (autor)
BIZAL-PALABIYIK, Burcin (autor)
OZKAN, Sibel (autor)
USLU, Bengi (autor)
Electrochemical oxidation mechanism of anticancer drug nilotinib |
467-475 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 60-5-6 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer |
KURBANOGLU, Sevine (autor)
BOZAL-PALABIYIK, Burcin (autor)
GUMUSTAS, Mehmet (autor)
USLU, Bengi (autor)
OZKAN, Sibel (autor)
Investigation of voltametric behaviour and electroanalytical determination of anticancer epirubicin via glassy carbon electrode using differential pulse and square wave voltammetry techniques |
491-499 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 61-11-12 |
oncologie; cancer colorectal |
ARABIAT, Sherree (autor)
AL-HIARI, Yusuf (autor)
BUSTANJI, Yasser (autor)
ZALLOUM, Hiba (autor)
KASABRI, Violet (autor)
In vitro modulation of pancreatic lipase and profiferation of obesite related-coorectal cancer cell line panel by novel synthetic triazuinolones |
871-879 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 61-3 |
chimie; oncologie |
KARAALI, Nesrin (autor)
MENTEȘE, Emre (autor)
Synthesis and study of antitumor activity of some new 2.(4-methoxybenzyl(-1H-benzimidazole derivatives bearing triazole, oxadiazole and ethanol moiety |
187-192 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 61-4-5 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; Au |
MAFTEI, Elena (autor)
MAFTEI, Cătălin (autor)
FRANZ, Heiko (autor)
KELTER, Gerhard (autor)
FIEBIG, Heintz-Herbert (autor)
TAMM, Mathias (autor)
NEDA, Ion (autor)
New members of the Cinchona alkaloid family: sinthesis, characterisation and antitumor evaluation of novel gold(I) complexes |
251-260 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 62-2 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; infraroşu; cancer |
GUȚU, Mihai (autor)
AVĂDANEI, Mihaela (autor)
MARINCA, Mihai (autor)
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Cipriana (autor)
Exploratory inrared spetroscopy study of erytrocytes in cancer chemotherapy |
181-190 |
articol de periodic |
2018 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 63-3 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
ALIZADEHDAKHEL, Asghar (autor)
Feature extraction using linear nonlinear QSAR study on several taxol derivatives as anticancer drugs |
171-180 |
articol de periodic |
2018 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 63-3 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
ALIZADEHDAKHEL, Asghar (autor)
NAJAFI, Gholam (autor)
MOSAMPARAST, Mehnaz (autor)
QSAR investigation on the feature selection of the letrozole derivatives as anticancer drugs |
217-226 |
articol de periodic |
1983 |
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, xxviii-9 |
oncologie |
BOȘCAIU, Voicu (autor)
Optimization of Human Cancer Radiotherapy - Swan George |
910-911 |
articol de periodic |
1984 |
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, xxix-1 |
oncologie |
ALVAREZ, Alberto (autor)
MARCHI, Ezio (autor)
Cell profiferation, tumor groutw and treatment |
.3-17 |
articol de periodic |
1987 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-1-2 |
medicină; oncologie; laser; Ag |
QI-CHU, Mei (autor)
Argon-dye laser system for treatment of cancer |
249-253 |
articol de periodic |
1988 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 |
medicină; oncologie |
DAUDEL, Raymond (autor)
Etiologie et prevention du cancer |
503-508 |
articol de periodic |
1989 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-7-9 |
biofizică medicală; oncologie; laser |
URSACIUC, C. (autor)
CIOBOTARU, D. (autor)
GASBOR, D. (autor)
STROILĂ, Carmen (autor)
MORARU, I. (autor)
SAVI, G. (autor)
AMARANDE, S. (autor)
GUȚU, I. (autor)
DRĂGĂNESCU, V. (autor)
Laser irradiation can modify antitumor reactivity |
1107-111 |
articol de periodic |
2003 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 48-1-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
ION, Rodica-Mariana (autor)
SCARLAT, Ion (autor)
NICULESCU, V. (autor)
Porphyrins as advanced materials for photodymamic therapy of cancer |
339-346 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 51-3-4 |
medicină; oncologie |
TIPA, R. (autor)
BALTAG, Octavian (autor)
Microwave thermography for cancer determination |
371-377 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-3-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; leucemie |
BARAN, I. (autor)
GANEA, C. (autor)
URSU, I. (autor)
BARAN, V. (autor)
CĂLINESCU, O. (autor)
IFTIMIE, A. (autor)
UNGUREANU, R. (autor)
TOFOLEAN, I. (autor)
Fluorescence properties of quercetin in human leikemia Jurkat-Cells |
388-398 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-3-4 |
radiologie; oncologie; B |
GALES, Laurenția (autor)
ANGHEL, Rodica (autor)
GRUIA, Maria (autor)
LUNGU, Valeria (autor)
NEGOIȚĂ, Valentina (autor)
GRUIA, Ion (autor)
In vivo study BPA (boron10-phenilalanine) use in boron neutron capture radiotherapy as an alternative for hepatic casncer treatment |
521-527 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-9-10 |
medicină; oncologie; cancer uterin |
GEORGESCU, M. (autor)
MOLDOVEANU, Valeriu (autor)
ILEANU, B. (autor)
ANGHEL, R. (autor)
Dosimetric influence of uterzs position in cervix cancer high-sdose-rade brachytherapy |
1557-1566 |
articol de periodic |
2003 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-3 |
biofizică medicală; oncologie |
PASCU, M. (autor)
CÎRSTOCEA, B. (autor)
BREZEANU, M. (autor)
GĂZDARU, D. (autor)
VOICU, L. (autor)
Studies on activated fluorouracil with optical beams, for use in the eye tumours treatment |
445-450 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 |
Matematică; oncologie |
GRECU, D. (autor)
CÎRSTEA, A. (autor)
GRECU, A. (autor)
VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor)
Mathematical modelling of tumor grouth |
447- |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 |
biofizică medicală; oncologie |
FUMĂREL, R. (autor)
MURGOI, Gabriela (autor)
ALBERT, P. (autor)
HURDUC, Anca (autor)
PASCU, M. (autor)
Increase of cisplatin therapeurical index through optical irradiation: a case study of chroroidal metastasis |
877-884 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 |
medicină; oncologie |
ANGELSKAYA, A. (autor)
GRUIA, I. (autor)
YERMOLENKO, S. (autor)
IVASHKO, P. (autor)
GRUIA, M. (autor)
Manifestations of linear dichroism changes in cancer biotissues |
1052-1062 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-1 |
medicină; oncologie |
VOLOVAT, Constantin (autor)
VOLOVAT, Simona (autor)
SCRIPCARU, Viorel (autor)
MIRON, Lucian (autor)
Second-line chemotherapy with gemcitabine and oxaliplatin combination with loco-regional hyperthermia (EHY-2000) in patients witrh refractory metastatic pancreatic cancer - Preliminary results of a prospective trial |
166-174 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-1 |
medicină; oncologie |
VOLOVAT, Simona (autor)
VOLOVAT, Constantin (autor)
SCRIPCARIU, Viorel (autor)
LUPAȘCU, Cristian (autor)
MIRON, Lucian (autor)
The results of combination of ifosfamid and locaregional hyperthermia (EHY2000) in patients with advanced abdominal soft-tissue sarcoma after relapse of first line chemotherapy |
175-181 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-2 |
medicină; oncologie; cancer de prostată |
ADAM, D. (autor)
SUDITU, M.D. (autor)
POPA, R. (autor)
ION, R. (autor)
CIOCALTEI, V. (autor)
A treatment planning study comparing VMAT with 3D conformal radiotherapy for prostate cancer using pinnacle planning system |
394-400 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-2 |
medicină; oncologie; cancer de prostată |
SUDITU, M. (autor)
ADAM, D. (autor)
POPA, R. (autor)
CIOCALTEI, V. (autor)
A VMAT planning solution for NECK cancer patients using the pinnacle 3 planning system |
401-410 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-2 |
medicină; oncologie; cancer de colon |
GOSAV, Steluța (autor)
BÎRSA, Mihail (autor)
Multivariate study of flavoids active against CACO-2 colon carcinoma |
411-426 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 |
medicină; oncologie; cancder faringian |
POPA, R. (autor)
SUDITU, M. (autor)
ADAM, D. (autor)
DULIU, O. (autor)
POPESCU, A. (autor)
Implementation of volumetric intensity modulated arc rherapy in oropharingeal cancer a comparison with classical techniques of 3D conformal radiotherapy |
966-977 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 |
medicină; oncologie; cancer mamar |
ADAM, D. (autor)
SUDITU, M. (autor)
POPA, R. (autor)
COCALTEI, V. (autor)
Volumetric-modulaterd arc therapy vs 3D-conformal eaoiotherapy fir breast cabcer |
978-986 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-4 |
medicină; oncologie |
BIRTOIU, Ioan (autor)
RUSU, Mîdălin (autor)
VIȚĂLARU, Bogdan (autor)
TOGOE, Dorin (autor)
PASCAL, Manuela (autor)
UDREA, Mircea (autor)
CHIRICUȚĂ, Bogdan (autor)
RIZEA, Constantin (autor)
PARÎU, Anca (autor)
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in the visible range: a tool for rapid investigation of mammary tumors |
1525-1536 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
Matematică; oncologie |
TĂNASE, Alina (autor)
DUMITRACHE, M. (autor)
FLOREA, O. (autor)
3D conformational interstitial brachytherapy planning for soft tissue sarcoma |
1123-1129 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
bacteriologie; oncologie; cancer de piele |
BACALUM, M. (autor)
ZORILĂ, B. (autor)
RADU, M. (autor)
Investigating the anticancer activity of some cationic antimicrobial peptides in epithelial tumior cells |
1159-1169 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
ANGHEL, R. (autor)
LĂZESCU, A. (autor)
ZOB, D. (autor)
GRUIA, I. (autor)
GRUIA, M. (autor)
Involment of the redox potential in development of resistance to treatment in breast cancer |
1545-1553 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 69-1 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; cancer tiroidian |
BACIU, A. (autor)
UYY, E. (autor)
SUICA, V.I. (autor)
BOTEANU, R. (autor)
POPESCU, A. (autor)
GIULEA, C. (autor)
MANDA, Dana (autor)
BADIU, C. (autor)
ANTOHE, F. (autor)
Proteomic analysis of plasma molecular markers as predictors of differential thyroid cancer |
601 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 69-2 |
biofizică; oncologie; cancer de col uterin |
GEORGESCU, M. (autor)
TĂNASE, A. (autor)
DUMITRACHE, M. (autor)
ILEANU, B. (autor)
ANGHEL, R. (autor)
Dosimetric evaluation study on conventional 3D conformal brachytherapy treatment of cervix cancer |
608 |
articol de periodic |
1954 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, ii-1-2 |
chimie; oncologie |
GHEORGHIU, C. (autor)
TOMA, A. (autor)
CONSTANTINESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Acțiunea anticanceroasă a unor anile derivate din acidul p-aminosalicilic (PAS) și din acizii p-amino-o-halogenobenzoici |
39-46 |
articol de periodic |
1962 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, x-3-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie; hormon sexual |
CIORĂNESCU, Ecaterina (autor)
RĂILEANU, D. (autor)
Substanțe cu acțiune anticanceroasă potențială. II. Azot-iperite de tip ureranic și fosforamidic din clasa hormonilor sexuali |
295-304 |
articol de periodic |
1963 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, xi-3-4 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
RĂILEANU, Dan (autor)
CIORĂNESCU, Ecaterina (autor)
Substanțe cu acțiune anticanceroasă potențială. III. Azot-iperite din clasa corticoizilor |
433-439 |
articol de periodic |
1965 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, 13-10 |
biochimie medicală; oncologie |
MADRODIN, Alexandru (autor)
DEMETRESCU, Cătălina (autor)
CHIRIȚĂ, C. (autor)
Cercetări în clasa uretanilor N-(difenilsulfonil)-O-alchilaritați. Sinteza unor noi compuși cu acțiune cancerolitică |
1061-1070 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-9-10 |
medicină nucleară; oncologie; laser; melanom |
NEDELCU, I. (autor)
NEDELCU, Dana (autor)
Results of photovolatilization of bening skin tunours ny the Bilas-19 CO2 laser bistouri |
537-538 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-9-10 |
medicină nucleară; oncologie; laser; melanom |
NEDELCU, I. (autor)
NEDELCU, Dana (autor)
Utility of the Bilas-10 CO2 laser bistoury in the treatment of malignant skin tunours |
539-540 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-9-10 |
medicină nucleară; oncologie; laser; cancer ocular |
CÎRSTOCEA, B. (autor)
Laser applications in ocular tumours treatment |
541-543 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-9-10 |
Imunologie; oncologie; cancer ocular |
URSACIUC, C. (autor)
CÎRSTOCEA, B. (autor)
CIOTARU, D. (autor)
STROILĂ, Carmen (autor)
DESAGĂ, S. (autor)
Immunological evasluation pf laser-photociagulation in ocular malignat melanoma |
545-548 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-9-10 |
medicină nucleară; oncologie; laser; DNA; tumoare |
RADU, Liliana (autor)
ȚUGULEA, Laura (autor)
MIHĂILĂ, Alexandru (autor)
VIȘAN, T. (autor)
GUȚU, I. (autor)
PETRE, C. (autor)
STROILĂ, A. (autor)
STROILĂ, C. (autor)
The effect of laser radiation on DNA from Tunor cells |
553-556 |
articol de periodic |
1988 |
Ziridava, XVII |
popuare alimentară; oncologie; cancer |
ADAM, C. (autor)
HERA, Carmen (autor)
MANCAȘ, D. (autor)
NISTOR, Camelia (autor)
POPADOPOL, Victoria (autor)
RĂILEANU, L. (autor)
VIȘAN, Elena (autor)
Cercetarea unor poluanți chimici din meniuri - factori de risc cancerigen |
articol de periodic |
1988 |
Ziridava, XVII |
oncologie; cancer; poluarea mediului |
DORIN, S. (autor)
Substanțe chimice care prezință risc cancerigen identificate în apele reziduale din industria organică de sinteză |