volum de carte |
2006 |
România în timpul lui Carol I 1866 - 1914 (catalog de expoziție) / România during the reign of Carol I 1866 - 1914 (exhibition catalogue), , anul 2006 |
NEGUȚU, Mariana (editor), COROAMĂ, Radu (editor), GHEORGHIU, Adriana (traducător), POP, Lucia (traducător), MANEA, Mihai (traducător), ILIE, Oana (redactor), AMARIE, Marius (fotograf), HORTOPAN, Mircea Alexandru (fotograf), MIROI, Costin (fotograf), NICA, George (fotograf), ONETE, George (fotograf), PREDA, Marius (fotograf), SIMIONESCU, Adrian (fotograf) |
articol de periodic |
1994 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 39-3 |
LUCA, Constantin (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Adriana (autor)
Study of complex-forming processes between iodine and crown ethers in two-phase systems |
297-305 |
articol de periodic |
1969 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 14-4 |
NACHMAN, Manfred (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Adriana (autor)
Melting of particles injected into a plasma jet |
327-336 |
articol de periodic |
1991 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-10 |
THEYE, Marie-Luce (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Adriana (autor)
UDRON, Dominique (autor)
Structure studius of amorphous III-V compound semiconductors |
975-990 |
articol de periodic |
2004 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 49-7-8 |
MATEESCU, Gheorghe (autor)
GALERIU, D. (autor)
SLAVNICU, D. (autor)
VAMANU, D. (autor)
ȚURCANU, Catrinel (autor)
MELINTESCU, Anca (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Dorina (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Adriana (autor)
Customization of Rodos 5.0 system for the assessment of a Candu-NPP Cernavoda Nuclear accident scenario |
601-610 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-9-10 |
SLAVNICU, Dan (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Dorina (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Adriana (autor)
Jrodos expert system and the customisation to romanian conditions |
941-951 |