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  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-7-8 SAHAGIA, Maria (autor) , WATJEN, Anamaria (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , IVAN, C. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) National and international comparisons on radipharmaceuticals' activity measurement 733-740
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , WATJEN, A.C. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , IVAN, C. (autor) , STĂNGĂ, D. (autor) , VARLAM, C. (autor) , FAURESCU, I. (autor) , RORO, L. (autor) , NODITI, M. (autor) , CASSETTE, P. (autor) Results obtained in measurements of Rn-222 with the romanian standard system 682-691
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , IVAN, C. (autor) , IOAN, R. (autor) , NEACȘU, Beatris (autor) Realization of the meteorological traceability chain of Rn-222 230-242
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-1-2 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , WATJEN, A. (autor) , IVAN, C. (autor) The suppoprt offered by the romanian primary activity standard laboratory ro the nuclear medicine field 106-116
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-1-2 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , IOAN (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , NEACȘU, Beatris (autor) Metrolological traceability assurance in production and use of radiopharmaceuticals for pet imaging and targed radiotherapy 119-130
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , IOAN, M. (autor) , GARCIA-TORANO, C. (autor) Application of the power-moderate weighted mean (PMM) concept in the calculation of reference values of interlaboratory comparisons 697-706
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-3 SAHAGIA, M. (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , IOAN, R. (autor) , TĂNASE, M. (autor) , GARCIA, Torano (autor) Comparison of analysis methods for characterisation of the radioactive content of metallurgical slag used within the euramet-EMRP JRP IND04 MetroMetal 649-657
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-1 SAHAGIA, Maria (autor) , LUCA, A. (autor) , ANTOHE, A. (autor) , IOAN, M.R. (autor) , IVAN, C. (autor) Recent work and results of the radionuclide methology laboratory from IFIN-HH 177-190