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Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-7-8 BORCIA, C. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor) Are water-equivalent materials used in electron beams dosimetry really water equivalent ? 851-863
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-7-8 BORCIA, G. (autor) , BORCIA, C. (autor) , DUMITRAȘCU, N. (autor) Temporal evolution of pulsed atmospheric pressure DBD in asymetric configuration 689-697
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-1-2 BORCIA, C. (autor) , BORCIA, G. (autor) , DUMITRAȘCU, N. (autor) Surface treatment of polymers by plasma and radiation 224-232
articol de periodic 2006 Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-4 MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor) , BORCIA, C. (autor) Water equivalency of some plastic materials used in electron dosimetry: a Monte Carlo investigation 415-425
articol de periodic 2006 Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-4 FOCA-NICI, Ecaterina (autor) , BORCIA, C. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor) , STOIAN, G. (autor) , CREANGĂ, D. (autor) , OLTEANU, Z. (autor) Experimental and computational investigation on the low dose radiation absorption in some living tissues 559-568
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 BORCIA, C. (autor) , DUMITRAȘCU, N. (autor) , BORCIA, G. (autor) Comparing the modification induced by plasma and UV radiation to polymer surfaces 163-172
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-1 BORCIA, C. (autor) , TEODOR, M. (autor) , OPREA, Mihaela (autor) , GORGAN, L. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor) In vitro study of radiation-induced DNA damage 16-21
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-1 MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor) , BORCIA, C. (autor) Monte Carlo simulation of the electron beams produced by a linear accelerator for intraoperative radiation therapy 61-74