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  • 12 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1961 Revue de Physique, vi-1 BOGDAN, D. (autor) Sur le calcul des probabilites des transmisions gamma du type M3 et beta interdites du deuxieme ordre, ainsi que des moments d'inertie des noxaux arimiques selon le modele de Nilsson 31-
articol de periodic 1964 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 9-6 BOGDAN, D. (autor) Colculus of the absolute Log ft values for the first forbidden beta transitions of the ODD-A nuvlei in thee 150 <A< 190 region 543-547
articol de periodic 1970 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 15-3 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , CÎRJAN, N. (autor) , PITICU, I. (autor) , PROȚOP, C. (autor) , VĂȚĂ, I. (autor) On the calculation of beta decay observables 355-368
articol de periodic 1971 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 16-4 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , CÎRJAN, N. (autor) , PITICU, I. (autor) On the calculation of the beta decay observables for the 10 - O+ transition of RaE 397-406
articol de periodic 1974 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 19-10 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , CREȚU, Traian (autor) , MACARIE, Gheorghe (autor) Theoretical study of the 1267Ho - 107Er beta decay 1077-1088
articol de periodic 1974 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 19-5 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , CREȚU, Traian (autor) , MACARIE, Gheorghe (autor) Spin-spin nuclear forces and the beta decay Tb161 - Dy161 525-532
articol de periodic 1975 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 20-2 BOGDAN, D. (autor) About the beta transitions of the 166Ho nucleus 133-140
articol de periodic 1981 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 26-3 BARNA, Aurelia (autor) , BOGDAN, D. (autor) , DANIȘ, Ana (autor) , ONCESCU, Mircea (autor) Computer simulation of the natuural Th 232 radioactive series decay 243-251
articol de periodic 1983 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 28-2 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , CRISTU, M. (autor) , HOLAN, Suzana (autor) The relative importance of relativistic induced interactions in the beta decay of 170 Tm 133-146
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-6 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , PETROVICI, A. (autor) , HOLAN, S. (autor) , CRISTU, M. (autor) The effect of indiced weak interactions on the forbidden beta decay of 76As 577-594
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-9-10 MORARI, Cristian (autor) , BOGDAN, D. (autor) , BOGDAN, M. (autor) Theoretical study of driving forces in the &-and beta-cyclodextrin: diclofenac inclusion complexes 995-1002
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-1-2 VARLAM, C. (autor) , ȘTEFĂNESCU, I. (autor) , FAURESCU, I. (autor) , VAGNER, I. (autor) , FAURESCU, D. (autor) , BOGDAN, D. (autor) Establishing routine procedure for environmental tritium concentration at ICIT 233-239