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  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1997 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 42-1 BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) , CRIȘCIU, Adrian (autor) Relationship between refractive index and excess volume in binary non-electrolyte systems 55-62
articol de periodic 2001 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 46-5 TEODORESCU, Marina (autor) , DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) , BĂRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) Estimation of the disquac interaction parameters for the cycloalkyl/phenyl contact in cycloalkane+n-alkybenzene mixtures 487-495
articol de periodic 2001 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 46-8 DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) , BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) Disquac predictions of phase equilibria, molar and standard partial molar exces quantities for 2-propanone + chloalkanes mixtures 847-855
articol de periodic 2002 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-8-9 BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria in binary mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone +&W-dichloroalkanes by the static total pressure method at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15K 831-838
articol de periodic 2003 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 48-5 DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) , OMOTA, Ligia (autor) , BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , IULIAN, Olga (autor) Densities, refractive indices and derived exces properties of 2-propanone+ chloroalkanes binary systems at 298.15K 361-369
articol de periodic 2004 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 49-2 BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) Vapour-liquid equilibrium in binary mixtures of chloroalkanes with aromatic hydrocarbons 97-104
articol de periodic 2006 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 51-4 BĂRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , TEODORESCU, Marioara (autor) , DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) Structural effects and intermolecular interactions in homologous series of organic systems evidenced by thermodynamic properties in the frame of disquac model 329-344
articol de periodic 2011 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 56-5 DRĂGOESCU, Dana (autor) , BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , TEODORESCU, Mariana (autor) Vapour-liquid equilibria for the binary mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) + some chloroalkanes at temperatures from 298,15 to 318,15K. Comparisons with disquac model prediction 487-500