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Sumarul căutării

  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1983 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 28-2 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , CRISTU, M. (autor) , HOLAN, Suzana (autor) The relative importance of relativistic induced interactions in the beta decay of 170 Tm 133-146
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 FAESSLER, Amand (autor) Nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon intzeraction in the quark model 555-564
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-6 BOGDAN, D. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , PETROVICI, A. (autor) , HOLAN, S. (autor) , CRISTU, M. (autor) The effect of indiced weak interactions on the forbidden beta decay of 76As 577-594
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-1-2 HAUG, O. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , VERGADOS, J.D. (autor) , KOVALENKO, S. (autor) Supersymmetry and Neutrino Oscilations 101-107
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-1-2 FAESSLER, Amand (autor) The neutrinoless double beta decay and the neutrino mass 165-179
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-1-2 KRIVORUCHENKO, M.I. (autor) , FAESSLER, Amand (autor) Duality condition for s-and t-channel exchange in nucleon-nucleon acattering 296-308
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-9-10 FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , HODAK, Rastislav (autor) , KOVALENKO, Sergey (autor) , SIMKOVIC, Fedor (autor) Search for cosmic neutrino background and katrin 1221-1231
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 FAESSLER, Amand (autor) , FUCHS, Christian (autor) Medium pependence of vector meson properties in heavy ion collisions 419-