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  • 9 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1993 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 38-10 SIMIONESCU, Cristofor (autor) , BULACOVSCHI, Victor (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) Phase transfer caralysis in polycondensation processes. II. Polyethers with oxetane pendant groups 1189-1195
articol de periodic 1995 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 40-7-8 BULANOVSCHI, Victor (autor) , TUDOR, Violeta (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) Substituted oxetanes in polymer synthesis. II. Polylyesters based on 3,3-bis(chloromethyl) oxacyclobutane and potassium terephthalate 737-741
articol de periodic 1997 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 42-7 SIMIONESCU, Cristofor (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , BĂRBOIU, Virgil (autor) , STOLERU, Aurel (autor) , SCUTARU, Dan (autor) Liquid crystalline polymers. IV. Synthesis of some thermotropic polyethers with semi-rigid chain 525-529
articol de periodic 1997 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 42-8 HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , SCUTARU, Dan (autor) , SURPĂȚEANU, Gheorghe (autor) , DECOCK, Patrick (autor) Liquid crystalline polymers . I. Conformational studies of some polyethers and copolyethers 709-714
articol de periodic 2000 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 45-4 CĂTĂNESCU, Otilia (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , DAOUDI, Abdelyah (autor) , BUSINE, Jean-Marc (autor) Liquid crystalline polymers. 8. Thermal behaviour and molecular simulation of some oligomers containing a polylenic apacer 337-343
articol de periodic 2000 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 45-7-8 CĂTĂNESCU, Otilia (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , SCUTARU, Dan (autor) , SAVA, Ion (autor) , PARASCHIV, Ioan (autor) , ALĂZĂROAIE, Silvia (autor) Liquid crystalline polymers. 12 Thermal behaviour of some aromatic polyethers containing azobernzene and biphenyl moieties 709-715
articol de periodic 2002 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-7 HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , CREANGĂ, Adina (autor) , SCURTU, Dan (autor) , ALĂZĂROAIE, Silvia (autor) , HURDUC, Natalia (autor) Thermal behaviour of some aromatic copolyethers containing two different spacers in the main chain 623-630
articol de periodic 2008 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 53-9 HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) , ENEA, Ramona (autor) , MOLEAVIN, Ioana (autor) , IORGULESCU, Elena-Emilia (autor) , DAVID, Victor (autor) Characterization of some polysiloxanes containing nucleobases and azobenzene groups in their side-chain or crown azo-ether within polymeric chains by means of negative-ionization mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization 777-785
articol de periodic 2012 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 57-12 NEAMȚU, Andrei (autor) , PATRAS, Xenia (autor) , NEAMȚU, Monica (autor) , OPREA, Anca (autor) , PETREUS, Tudor (autor) , HURDUC, Nicolae (autor) The influence of partial charge calculation protocol on the sulfated monosaccharide conformation and dynamics 1013-1023