articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-1-2 |
AVRIGEANU, Marilena. (autor)
FLORESCU, A. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
SĂNDULESCU, A. (autor)
Level density effect on cold-dission yieldfs of 234U |
.7-21 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-1-2 |
AVRIGEANU, Marilena. (autor)
AVRIGEANU, V. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
Density Effects on the Elastic Scattering of 6,8He on 4He within microscopic Optical Potential |
29-34 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-1-2 |
AVRIGEANU, V. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
Nuclear Level Density Description for Astrophysical Applications |
89-94 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-9-10 |
IVAȘCU, Marin (autor)
CÎTA-DANIL, I. (autor)
FILIPESCU, D. (autor)
STROE, L. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
CÎTA-DANIL, G. (autor)
DELEANU, D. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
MĂRGINEAN, N. (autor)
MĂRGINEAN, R. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
PASCU, S. (autor)
SAVA, T. (autor)
SULIMAN, G. (autor)
ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor)
Astrophysical S factor for proton capture on 147Sm and 149Sm |
1006-1012 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-9-10 |
SAVA, T. (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
CÎȚA-DANIL, G. (autor)
CÎȚA-DANIL, I. (autor)
DELEANU, D. (autor)
FILIPESCZ, D. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
IVAȘCU, Marin (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, N. (autor)
MĂRGHINEAN, R. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
MOȘU, V. (autor)
NEGREȘ, A. (autor)
PAȘCOVICI, G. (autor)
PASCU, S. (autor)
STROE, L. (autor)
ZAMFIR, N. (autor)
In beam commissioning of a recoil mass spetrometer |
1094-1107 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-4 |
CÎTA-DANIL, I. (autor)
ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
CÎTA-DANIL, G. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
IVAȘCU, M. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
SAVA, T. (autor)
STROE, L. (autor)
SULIMAN (autor)
The theoretical and experimental investigation of 113In, produced by A p type nuclear synthesis process |
397-408 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 |
CIȚA-DANIL, I. (autor)
ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor)
IVAȘCU, Marin (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
CĂȚA-DANIL, Gheorghe (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
SULIMAN, G. (autor)
STOE, L. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
SAVA, T. (autor)
&-induced cross sections of 63Cu for astrophysical P process |
377- |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 |
CÎTA-DANIL, I. (autor)
IVAȘCU, M. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
FILIPESCU, D. (autor)
CĂTA-DANIL, G. (autor)
STROE, L. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
CHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
SULIMAN, G. (autor)
SAVA, T. (autor)
Measurement of cross sections and thick target yields for (&,y) process on 63Cu |
555-561 |