articol de periodic |
1986 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-2 |
ANGELESCU, T. (autor)
MIHUL, Alexandru (autor)
PASCU, L. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
IONICĂ, R. (autor)
GARFAGNINI, R. (autor)
PIRAGIONO, G. (autor)
LYASHENKO, V.I. (autor)
FALOMKIN, I.V. (autor)
Geometrical reconstruction and selection criteria of He inelastic evens detected in a high pressure streamer chamber |
125-137 |
articol de periodic |
1988 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 |
MIHUL, Alexandru (autor)
ANGELESCU, T. (autor)
PREDA, T. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Pion absorption on light nuclei |
751-755 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-3-4 |
SPIRIDON, Ștefania (autor)
STĂNESCU, S. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
BUNUȘ, F. (autor)
Rare earth elements determination by neutron activation analysis in natural phosphate rocks and redidues |
317-321 |
articol de periodic |
1994 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 |
LAZANU, I. (autor)
MIHUL, Alexandru (autor)
Elementary particle systematics (exotic states) |
397-408 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-1-2 |
GIURGIU, A. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Regions for maximum probabilities in the neutrino oscilations |
15-20 |
articol de periodic |
2004 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 |
MALACE, Simona (autor)
LUCACI-TIMOCE, Angela (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Some considerations about mixing, oscilation phenomena and CP violation of different mass eigenstates |
207-218 |
articol de periodic |
2004 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 |
LAZANU, S. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Estimated modifications of the characteristics of silicon detectors due to their use at the LHC-accelerator and in IMS space conditions |
343-355 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 |
APOSTU, Ana (autor)
CHIROȘCA, Alexandru (autor)
GOMOIU, Claudia (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
STANCA, D. (autor)
Results of undferground dose rates using TL detectors and preliminary TL characteristics of irradiated salt rock |
220- |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
BĂDESCU, A. (autor)
SĂFTOIU, A. (autor)
FRATU, O. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
SIMA, O. (autor)
HALUNGA, S. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Radio technique for investigating high energy cosmic neutrinos |
281-293 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
SĂFTOIU, A. (autor)
SIMA, Octavian (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
BĂDESCU, A. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor)
FRATU, O. (autor)
HALUNGA, S. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
Simulation of electromagnetic showers in salt performed with Geant4 |
314-324 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 |
LAZANU, S. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Modification of Lindhard energy partition for low energy recoils in germanium and silicon for detectors due to electron - phonon coupling |
594-603 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
LAZANU, S. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Model of energy echange through electron-phonon coupling during transient phenomena in materials for detectors |
1015-1023 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
RISTEA, C. (autor)
JIPA, A. (autor)
RISTEA, O. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
EȘANU, T. (autor)
CĂLIN, M. (autor)
TUTURAȘ, N. (autor)
BABAN, V. (autor)
ARGINTARU, D. (autor)
Hydrodynamic flow and pfase transitions in relativistic nuclear collisons reflected by Hubble type fireball evolution |
1060-1068 |