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Sumarul căutării

  • 13 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1986 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-2 ANGELESCU, T. (autor) , MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) , PASCU, L. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , IONICĂ, R. (autor) , GARFAGNINI, R. (autor) , PIRAGIONO, G. (autor) , LYASHENKO, V.I. (autor) , FALOMKIN, I.V. (autor) , SHCHERBAKOV, Y.A. (autor) Geometrical reconstruction and selection criteria of He inelastic evens detected in a high pressure streamer chamber 125-137
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) , ANGELESCU, T. (autor) , PREDA, T. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Pion absorption on light nuclei 751-755
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-3-4 SPIRIDON, Ștefania (autor) , STĂNESCU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , BUNUȘ, F. (autor) Rare earth elements determination by neutron activation analysis in natural phosphate rocks and redidues 317-321
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 LAZANU, I. (autor) , MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) Elementary particle systematics (exotic states) 397-408
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-1-2 GIURGIU, A. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Regions for maximum probabilities in the neutrino oscilations 15-20
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 MALACE, Simona (autor) , LUCACI-TIMOCE, Angela (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Some considerations about mixing, oscilation phenomena and CP violation of different mass eigenstates 207-218
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Estimated modifications of the characteristics of silicon detectors due to their use at the LHC-accelerator and in IMS space conditions 343-355
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 APOSTU, Ana (autor) , CHIROȘCA, Alexandru (autor) , GOMOIU, Claudia (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , STANCA, D. (autor) Results of undferground dose rates using TL detectors and preliminary TL characteristics of irradiated salt rock 220-
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 BĂDESCU, A. (autor) , SĂFTOIU, A. (autor) , FRATU, O. (autor) , BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , SIMA, O. (autor) , HALUNGA, S. (autor) , TOMA, G. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Radio technique for investigating high energy cosmic neutrinos 281-293
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 SĂFTOIU, A. (autor) , SIMA, Octavian (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , BĂDESCU, A. (autor) , BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor) , FRATU, O. (autor) , HALUNGA, S. (autor) , TOMA, G. (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) Simulation of electromagnetic showers in salt performed with Geant4 314-324
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Modification of Lindhard energy partition for low energy recoils in germanium and silicon for detectors due to electron - phonon coupling 594-603
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Model of energy echange through electron-phonon coupling during transient phenomena in materials for detectors 1015-1023
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 RISTEA, C. (autor) , JIPA, A. (autor) , RISTEA, O. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , EȘANU, T. (autor) , CĂLIN, M. (autor) , TUTURAȘ, N. (autor) , BABAN, V. (autor) , ARGINTARU, D. (autor) Hydrodynamic flow and pfase transitions in relativistic nuclear collisons reflected by Hubble type fireball evolution 1060-1068