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Sumarul căutării

  • 12 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-5-6 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Analysis of the behaviour of silicon in intense pion fields and predictions for GaAs 449-458
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Estimated modifications of the characteristics of silicon detectors due to their use at the LHC-accelerator and in IMS space conditions 343-355
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Silicon detectirs operating deyond LHC conditions: scenarios for radiation fields and detector degradation 689-702
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Reports in Physics, 57-3 LAZANU, Ionel. (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Silicon detectors: from radiation hard devices operating beyond LHC conditions to characterization of primary fourfold coordinated vacancy defects 345-355
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-1 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Analytical approximations of the niel in semiconductor detector for hep 71-78
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-2 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Correlation between ionization and displacement damage în silicon detectors for energies of interest in astroparticle and particle physics applications 381-387
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 CIUREA, M. (autor) , IANCU, V. (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) , LEPĂDATU, A. (autor) , RUSNAC, E. (autor) , STAVARACHE, I. (autor) Defects in silicon: from bulok crystals to nanostructures 735-748
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-2 LAZANU, Ionel. (autor) , CHERA, M. (autor) , IORDĂNESCU, R. (autor) , NIȚĂ, C. (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) From nuclear matter to strange quark matter-some characteristics of the interactions in ordinary matter 215-221
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-4 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Energy deposited radiation in solids: registration physics 689-699
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-4 LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Thermal effects produced at cryogenic temperatures in materials used as bolometric detectors for dark matter 963-972
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Modification of Lindhard energy partition for low energy recoils in germanium and silicon for detectors due to electron - phonon coupling 594-603
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 LAZANU, S. (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) Model of energy echange through electron-phonon coupling during transient phenomena in materials for detectors 1015-1023